13 thoughts on “Session #7 Reflection

  1. This information that we saw helped me to be a little more focused on what life is like in the university, how are the grades and how we must take care that they do not go down if you want to be accepted in different classes and have a high GPA

  2. This information helped me learn how the grading policy is broken down I will try to use techniques to help me study so I can do my best in my classes. For me the grading policy scares me a little and I know that I will really have to be on top of my work and push myself to do good in all my classes so i can keep my gpa near or at a 4.0

  3. This information will help me as I first start the semester by preparing me to better communicate with my professors with these vocabulary words.

  4. The information that we learn will help me stay on track with my grades and the websites can help me with the requirements of my major. The vocabulary we learned helped me understand and know what they mean.

  5. It honestly hit me that my grades got to be on top so that I can get into the program. So my social life is basically gone and Iā€™m fine with that but I want to try to aim for higher grades than a B. So that my GPA is close or at a 4.0.

  6. This vocabulary is important because it allows us to comprehend and understand college vocabulary allowing for more professional and precise conversations, learning and understanding. It also allows us to know who to go to in a college environment when we have issues

  7. This information will help me start my first semester at college due to the fact that when these vocabulary words are said to me I will understand fully what they are saying to me and be able to hold the conversation.

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