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Understanding the Feedback I got, #5

Credit: Me

So when I presented my work, I was obviously nervous since I honestly don’t really present my work, but they overall liked what I was showing, but we’re mainly focusing on my use of colors and theme. Afterward, they wanted me to do a little research on their previous works and understand the type of color and message they were going for. So whenever I start a project I would know how to fully represent the company and won’t have much of a problem when getting feedback in future works. So as a little practice, my supervisor wants me to do a couple of thumbnail sketches of advertising women’s empowerment in soccer, but using the same style their old works show. Afterward, he might set me up with a real project, but for now, I need to know how and what they’re looking for in their interns who are under the design department that mainly create or illustrate designs that will attract the attention of the viewers.

My Portfolio, #4

  Credit: Me

When I saw the supervisor, they told me before they can actually assign me to any projects they wanted to know how my work is currently and to see if I can use that skill, take it to another level, and make it match the theme and colors the company is presenting. So when I had the next meeting I was to present my portfolio on the graphic design side of it, since most of my work surrounds character design and illustrations. I had to explain as much as I could as well as what I can use to help the company in any of it’s projects. So meanwhile I’m organizing my portfolio on my website. I finally finished what I needed to do with my papers and grasped mainly what needed to be done since I was all over the place the first couple of weeks.


Studying more about the Internship, #3

  Image: Style Guide

In the next meeting, I reported that based on the research I had done through their websites along with previewing the videos provided by them to understand what their goal is, I learn that this small non-profit organization was founded in 2020 and their job was to help other small nonprofits by generating 50% of its revenue and from there giving it to those small nonprofits. This was to help build more web traffic into their own site to help advertise the small sites, but it’s all based on the viewer’s donation when viewing these specific non-profit sites. So now that I have more of an idea of the job now besides this time getting the paperwork completely done, I also need to get comfortable with how the system works along with the other interns when presenting what they have done.

First Interview, #2

  Credit: Me

After getting a response after a day or two, I went and scheduled a meeting with the supervisor to get them to know me better. At first, I was nervous due to the fact that it had been a while since I was interviewed. However, in the end, it turned out well since the first thing he wanted me to do was research and read or watch the beginner videos that help newcomers such as myself in knowing the whole background story behind the company and how it came to be. So whenever I finish I have to meet with him at least once a week, so the next time I talk I have to report what I have learned. Honestly, I felt comfortable getting to understand how I’m supposed to work and what’s needed from me as an intern for this job.

Hunting down an Internship, #1

Image: Picserver

So before I started the semester, back in January I signed up for this internship under this company called WEBTOON since it fit the requirements I was looking for in art. However, since they never got back to me even when I started the semester I started searching again, so I created a Linkedin and Behance account. I also even decided to ask around my peers if they know any other place that is open for an internship and I had someone who told me that this non-profit organization was in need of an internship. If possible I can try my luck there, but it wasn’t easy since I kind of mixed up my papers, but I did send an email with my resume, portfolio, and cover letter.


Welcome to my profile, my name is Cindy Ovando and this is my own art page where I display many projects and personal works I did through my years as an artist in learning. The major that I’m currently studying in is called Communication Design in Citytech, since I believe this major will help me improve myself and my art. The reason why I’m even under that major is because it involves different types of art and tips that can be helpful for me since it gives a lot of opportunities to get better in art. Ever since I graduated as an AP cartoonist from the High school of Art and Design, I became more open and harder working in different forms of art, if it helps get my message across. Although CityTech wasn’t my top pick, it helps me understand and do some things that I have never tried before in the form of communicating with the audience.

My love for details and character designs had pushed me to overcome many difficult situations. One being out of my comfort zone and doing something new and different. I may not enjoy it at first, but the second I add an idea to it, I fully get engaged in any activities that are either new or old to me. I enjoy doing challenges that I know will benefit me later on, but at times I may be picky because not all forms of art are required to learn within my field since I want to create a comic or try Character Designing. At times, I question whether learning Graphic Designing or advertising is even helpful for me, but sometimes you gotta have back up skills. Even though I may acquire these skills, I sometimes use them to help come up with better ideas with my works which make almost everything useful to my work. So whether it may take me awhile or not to be good in art, sometimes it’s best to have fun with it and be open to everything around you.

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