HSCI 4101 Managerial Systems in Healthcare
Practicum for discipline-related skills and competencies using electronic health records and practice management software to enable students to conduct knowledge-based managerial and policy-related decision making.
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A foundation in medical metrics for evaluation, applied research, and quality control in the healthcare setting. It provides student with skills necessary to translate empirical interventions into applied settings […]
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This is a supplementary reader for 20th Century Dress & Culture.
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Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences
An introduction to the research methodologies utilized in the social and behavioral sciences, beginning with the fundamentals of research design, through data collection, analysis, interpretation, and the final […]
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THE2280ID, History of Theatre (D276), SP2024
A survey of the development of architectural and scenic styles in the physical structure of theatre from its beginnings in ancient Greece to its most current forms. Emphasis placed on the stylistic influences of […]
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THE2280ID, History of Theatre (D273), SP2024
A survey of the development of architectural and scenic styles in the physical structure of theatre from its beginnings in ancient Greece to its most current forms. Emphasis placed on the stylistic influences of […]
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ARTH 1204 – 20th Century Dress and Culture, Spring 2022
It is essential to understand the interrelationship of fashion and culture, and its development over time. This course examines how historical periods affect the style and construction of clothing from the end […]
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- OEROpen Educational Resource
THE2280ID, History of Theatre (HD01 and HD02), SP2023
A survey of the development of architectural and scenic styles in the physical structure of theatre from its beginnings in ancient Greece to its most current forms. Emphasis placed on the stylistic influences of […]
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Art and Architecture of Africa
This course is designed to be an historical study of the plastic arts and traditional architecture produced by the indigenous African societies of ancient Egypt, Ethiopia, and the countries of Central, East and […]
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CST2312 Information and Data Management I: Spring 2024
This course introduces students to the necessary informatics and intellectual tools to become efficient and effective information users. The course covers topics related to digital infrastructure, acquisition, […]
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ANTH 1102 Witchcraft, Magic, Religion OER Prof Pope Fischer
People rely on religion and various belief systems to bring meaning and understanding to everyday life. This course will show how anthropologists unravel and interpret cultural belief systems to gain insight into […]
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