Who I Am!

Hello my name is Nyiah Joseph and something you should know about me is that I love to do many things at once I don’t like to focus my attention to just one project or idea, I think there’s too much to learn in this world so why limit yourself to just one thing. I also love any form of art, I can draw, sing,/and have been told I’m  a  good photographer

I am a sophomore, I chose Law and Paralegal studies as my major because I’ve always had an interest from a very young age. I wanted to be a Officer but then I realized there was a possibility of me getting hurt so here we are. As well as I think it is super important to know the law especially as a POC. Many of us lack this knowledge, not because we don’t want to learn but because were never given the opportunity. I would use the knowledge that I’ve gained here in all my entrepreneurial endeavors, I also would love to start a non profit that teaches the youth on the law and how by design it is often used against them And giving them the power to combat that with this knowledge use it to their advantage.