TRIP POSTPONED! :( Meet for class on Th. Feb. 18, 10am

Esteemed Students,

It was delightful to see you all in class this morning!  Great participation and great work.  Our walking tour of the courts scheduled for this Thursday is postponed due to expected inclement weather. 🙁 Let’s tentatively plan for next Thursday, Feb. 23 and keep an eye on weather developments.

Here is a link to information about the “Follow Black Women Mayoral Town Hall” I mentioned in class today, that takes place tonight (Tues. Feb. 16, 6:15-8:15pm).  There’s additional info under the “Events & info” tabl.  If you attend, let me know, and maybe write an extra credit post about it?

I’ve posted the notes and maps, charts, etc. from today’s class under “Class notes & materials.”  As noted in “Assignments,” please review those items in prep for Thursday’s class, when we’ll continue discussing the federal and NYS court systems.

Have a pleasant afternoon, evening, and Wednesday, I look forward to seeing you Thursday at 10am on Zoom!


Prof. C.

YES class tomorrow! Thurs. Feb. 11, 10am

Good afternoon!

I hope you all enjoyed your Legal Research-free day yesterday! It’s been great meeting with all of you.  THANK YOU all for your fabulous “Who I Am” posts!  If you didn’t yet, please respond to at least one classmate’s post, here are instructions.

We WILL meet for class tomorrow on Zoom!  (Thurs. Feb. 11, 10-11:15am)  In addition to reviewing the charts and maps of the court system posted under “Assignments,” please try to read this or another article about the current impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump.  It’s historic!  We’ll talk about it, and maybe watch a few minutes of it, during class.

Have a pleasant evening, see you tomorrow!

Prof. C.

NO class tomorrow! & other info :)

Esteemed Students:

DON’T FORGET! Tomorrow (Tues. Feb. 9) we will NOT meet on Zoom.  Your individual meetings with me count as your attendance for that “class”!  Also, I will not hold my regular office hours tomorrow (11:15am-12:30pm).  I WILL meet with several of you tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon, as scheduled, plus I still have some slots available tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon, and Thursday afternoon (Feb. 11).  If you’d like to meet then, send me an email with times that work for you.  All meetings are at the regular class Zoom link.  Just fyi, I cannot meet this Wednesday Feb. 10, or Friday or Monday (Feb. 12 & 15)–they are holidays (Lincoln’s Birthday and Presidents’ Day) so the college is closed, no classes at all.  Enjoy your days off!

This Thursday, Feb. 11, we WILL meet for class on Zoom at our regular time (10-11:15am).  We’ll discuss EXCITING NEWS!!  Next Thurs. Feb. 18, I hope you’ll join me for a walking tour of the courts near City Tech!  This trip is optional, and you’ll have a remote option if you choose not to attend.  We’ll discuss details in Thursday’s class.

Earn “honors” credit for this and other courses!!  Details are under the “Events & info!” tab.  If you’re interested, please let me know by next Thursday, Feb. 18.

Earn extra points on the midterm exam!  Read a legal news article and post a summary and response here on OpenLab.  Here are instructions. I’ve posted quite a few options under the “Articles” tab, and you are welcome to write about an article you find on your own.  We might discuss your post in class!

Enjoy the rest of your day, see you in our individual meeting, and in class Thursday at 10am!


Prof. C.

Who I Am!

I am Kerin Coughlin, the instructor of these courses. I am in the Law and Paralegal Studies program because it’s my job!  I chose it as my job because I love law, and I love teaching. Many moons ago, I was a junior high school Social Studies teacher, then I became a lawyer, then I started teaching law part time while I was practicing law full time, and guess what? I realized I liked my part-time job better than my full-time job. So I switched it up, and thankfully I found this great position at City Tech. I’ve been teaching here for six years now.

Something I want you to know about me is that I love my cats. They’re brothers, and they’re both named Darryl which makes my life easier. You’ll hear me talk about them a lot, and I’ll probably bore you with pictures of them. Here’s one that’s a few years old but they still pretty much look the same, except fatter:

I look forward to working with you and getting to know you all this semester, in these crazy circumstances!


Prof. C.