Who I Am- Ariana

Hi! My name is Ariana Figueroa and I am a sophomore at City Tech. Although this is my second year at City Tech its my first year pursuing the Law and Paralegal program. When I first started my goal was to be in the Radiology program, but I quickly realized that I didn’t like the medical field and so I began to look at other programs at City Tech. As I started to learn more I discovered that I really liked the structure of paralegal work. I think that is what appealed to me the most about law. In the future, I’m still not sure specifically what area of law I’d like to work in but I am excited to learn more and see what interests me the most. As for my free time, I like reading, listening to music, crocheting, and staying home 🙂

I’m looking forward to learning about you all and hopefully meeting each other in person in future semesters!



2 thoughts on “Who I Am- Ariana

  1. Im glad to see that you didn’t get discouraged and give up, but instead decided to take another approach. Keep pushing !

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