Legal News Response

The article I chose was called “Columbus Day Or Indigenous Peoples’ Day?” I’m not sure if the author is Leila Fadel but National Desk intern Megan Manata contributed to this report. This was written on October 14, 2019  for the NPR Daily Newsletter and was heard on the Morning Edition.

The article was about the reason’s explaining why the second Monday in October shouldn’t be called Columbus Day instead, Indigenous Day or another name that celebrates the Indigenous communities. Since it’s have been giving memory and honor to a guy who did a lot of damage to that community raping, genocide to their people, pillaging. We supposedly celebrate that day and that person because he found ‘America’, but technically speaking he didn’t even reach America. Their is a lot of controversial of what should happen to this day because Italians see it as a day where they can where finally safe and accepted ;other’s say we need find another way to contributes to all different kinds of people representation of this day for them. But the objection is clear changing the name everywhere eradicating Columbus Day so if can be; Indigenous Day people who were first in America, who where kick out wrongly, abused and killed all of this done by Christopher Columbus.

I 100% support this movement because instead of setting our history right we are telling lies and hurting the Indigenous communities. I didn’t know many of them went to our school’s and that they even had to hear of this man been spoken of with such praises and proudness over, what he supposedly did. I remember being in school and learning of him thinking he was this great man but little did I know the truth. The Native Americans even have to hear that a whole day is dedicated to this man everyone stopping what there doing to honor this man, that’s like a punishment to the Indigenous community when they should be the ones being celebrated for not Columbus. A change needs to be done extinguishing the suffering we keep putting the Native Americans in once and for all. A cruelty is being done towards them when they went through so much over a land they actually respect not like us, who destroy the land with global warming, forests being cut down, destroying animals homes etc. I see Italians point of view but they shouldn’t be identify to this man as a symbol to their country because of all the inhuman stuff he did to this people we need to amend the wrong of our past not just in one state but in all.

1 thought on “Legal News Response

  1. Thanks Carmen! This is a great “first response” to break the ice for your classmates and it provides a great example of a response that earns two extra points on the next exam. You provide a thorough summary of the article and an intelligent, thoughtful response. I hadn’t given that much thought to how the day might affect Native Americans but I expect you are correct that it causes pain. I also support replacing “C-Day” with “IP-Day.” I wonder if there is a similar movement in NY? If so, I’d like to exercise my rights of free speech and free assembly by supporting it!

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