Law in Culture Review (Daredevil)

“Daredevil” is a Netflix series based on Marvel’s superhero, Daredevil, or Matt Murdock. It was released on April 10, 2015.

When Murdock was a young boy, he got into a serious accident that caused him to become blind and it also gave him superhuman abilities, which include: enhanced senses and echolocation.

Consequently, he was able to hear everything that happened from miles away. Police sirens and crimes always kept him awake at night and that fueled his passion to help innocent people that were getting harassed.

He became an attorney by day (defending innocent people using the justice system) and a vigilante by night (fighting criminals near death).

Murdock was always questioning his moral compass because, he believed that the police should handle the criminal activities that occurred in Hell’s Kitchen, but as a vigilante, he saw how corrupted the police force was. He had to take things into his own hands.

This show displays the mind of Murdock that are ethical/unethical, as a result of his personas.

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