Info on city jobs for LGBTQ+ Students and Allies!

Hello Students! 

On Tues. December 7th from 1:00-2:15 pm, City Tech’s Academic Minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies is hosting a virtual event  entitled “Civil Service 101 for LGBTQ+ Students and Allies.” The Department of Citywide Administrative Services will discuss Civil Service career options in NYC and how to apply for them. There will be a representative from the Department of Health & Mental Hygiene who will discuss the LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group, jobs currently available, and services that the department provides for the LGBTQ+ community.  Click here to register for the program.

Find information about all of City Tech’s academic minor programs here. 

Cheers!  Prof. C.


TRIP tomorrow! (Tue. Nov. 23) to Second Department!

Dear Students,

Happy Monday!  Just a reminder, tomorrow (Tues. Nov. 23) we will take a TRIP!! to observe oral arguments at the Appellate Division Second Department.  We’ll meet at our regular time and room (10am in A409), hold class till 11am discussing your draft complaints (due 8am tomorrow), then we will take the short walk to the courthouse, and you’ll be “dismissed” after the arguments from there.  This will satisfy the “court observation assignment” for LAW 1101 (along with a short written response).  If you can’t attend in person, you should be able to watch the arguments live through this link:  That can count for the assignment, though not for attendance in tomorrow’s classes.  I REALLY hope everyone will attend in person!  It will be really fun, and we can stop at the Farmer’s Market afterward.  🙂

Another reminder: please email me your revised summons and first draft complaint by 8am tomorrow (Tuesday) so we can review some of them in class.  In your email, please include times you’re available next week (Nov. 29-Dec. 2) to meet in person or on Zoom to discuss your draft summons and complaint, to help you finalize them.

Please also let me know your preferred schedule for our final exams: LAW 1101 on Tues. Dec. 14 and LAW 1103 on Th. Dec. 16, as currently planned; OR both exams on Th. Dec. 16;  OR both exams on Tues. Dec. 14 with a “wrap-up” class/activity on Thurs. Dec. 16.  So far, the only two votes I’ve received are to have both exams Tues. Dec. 14 with “wrap-up” activity on Thurs. Dec. 16.  Make your voice heard!  We’ll decide in class tomorrow.

You do NOT need to bring your CPLR tomorrow!   🙂 Have a pleasant evening, see you in the morning!

Prof. C.

We’re going to court! Tues. Nov. 23

Hello Students!

Just a reminder (and fyi to students who were absent today 🙁 ): This coming Tues. Nov. 23, we will hold regular class from 10-11am on campus, then we will take a TRIP!! to the nearby Appellate Division Second Department courthouse to observe live appellate oral arguments!  It will be really interesting and exciting, and it will fulfill the “court observation” requirement for your LAW 1101 course grade!  (Along with a short writing assignment to be discussed.)  There is a remote alternative for the assignment (but not for class attendance) if you do not attend the trip.  I REALLY hope you will all attend, but if not, please contact me and I will provide details.

Have a good weekend!

Prof. C.

Reply to Sussman case HERE!

Hello!  For Thursday, Nov. 18, please read the New York decision in Sussman v. Grado, about a paralegal behaving badly. 🙁   By 8am Thursday, please post a short “reply” to this post with some thoughtful reaction to the case.  For example, what did you find interesting, or surprising, instructive, or was there something you not understand?  Or anything at all you want to say, that shows you read and thought about the case!

Happy reading and posting!

Prof. C.

Answer C&W ch. 11 questions HERE!

Hello Students!

PLEASE bring your pocket Constitution to Tuesday’s class, but you do NOT need to bring your CPLR to class!  Also, by 8am on Tuesday, Nov. 9, please read C&W ch. 11, Papers–Preparation, Service and Filing.  Then choose ONE “Did You Get It?” question at the end of the chapter (pp. 98C-98D) that no other student has chosen and answer it in a reply to this post!  (You will need to look at all other replies before choosing your question.)  Please write out the whole question, including the number.  If appropriate, include an explanation with your answer–don’t just answer “yes” or “no.”  There are eight questions–if, by 8am Tuesday, all of them have been answered, send me an email and I’ll send you an alternate question.  We will review the answers in class!  This is teamwork!


Prof. C.


What I did November 3, 2021

Made breakfast and ate – 0.50

Doctors Appointment – 0.75

Went Shopping in target – 1.0

Went to see my best friend: new baby nephew- 2.0

Went to get food and ate – 0.50

Went to boyfriend’s house – 1.0

Made Dinner and ate – 0.50

Total – 6.25

Reflection- I noticed I had a really productive day. If I didn’t do timekeeping I would’ve just thought that my tasks took up my whole day, when It really only took up 6 hours and 15 minutes.

Time Keeping

What I did Tuesday, November 3rd, 3pm-7pm:

Went to the DMV- 1.25

Took the train from the DMV to the Bank- 0.25

Walked to the Post Office to drop mail in the mailbox- 0.25

Walked home to get clothes to do laundry- 0.25

Washed my clothes- 1.25

Talked to my sister Rosie & Mom on the phone- 0.50

Started to prepare something to eat & watch Hulu- 0.25

Total: 4.0

I went to the DMV but nothing came of it I have to return and make a payment to get my license back, and I spoke to my sister Rosie who lives in Albany I haven’t spoken to her in so long. Overall I need more practice.


Tuesday Nov 2nd 10am-2pm

Drove my mother to JFK airport- 1.0

I got stuck in Morning rush traffic coming back home- 1.0

Ironed my clothes later that day for work- 0.25

Went outside to buy something to eat-0.50

I joined my English zoom class and finished my English Midterm- 1.0

Went to work- 0.25


Reflection- I noticed how fast I can lose track of time and how fast my day goes. I feel like most days nothing that I wanna do gets done but hopefully, it pays off in the end.


Wednesday November 3rd, 1pm-5pm


Got out of bed-.25

Math Class- 1.25

Breakfast- .25

Psychology Class-1.25

Worked on my Philosophy midterm-1.25



Reflection- Tracking my time helped me realize I don’t really do anything for most of my day on Wednesdays because I didn’t even start my day until 1pm but it was fun seeing how much time I spend eating


Wednesday, November 3, 10 am – 2 pm

I did my morning routine – 1.0

Walk to the train- 0.25

Train ride/ worked on my English assignment- 0.75

Walk to my friend’s house – 0.25

Got food and talked to my friend – 0.25

Went to English class- 1.75


Total- 4.25

Reflection- Tracking my time was very interesting. I didn’t think I spent an hour getting ready in the morning but I like knowing how much time I take to get ready to go out so I can plan accordingly for when I do go out so I won’t be late.