Laila Clarke- Court Observation

I watch the court case on zoom. A big thing I noticed was how swiftly the judges and attorneys moved about things. Everything was very straight to the point. Everyone knew exactly what was going on, without any confusion. With the number of cases judges see per day, I would have thought they would need to be refreshed oh much each case was about, however, they were very informed on everything going on.

Law In Culture- Laila Clarke

“The Following” created by Kevin Williamson first aired in 2013 was about a serial killer ( Joe Carroll ) that ran a cult while in prison. He would get many visitors from people who fantasize over the books he would write. What he would do is, he will give each person ( someone who visited him) a chapter, this chapter would be about someone he wants to seek revenge on, The person assigned was the designated person that had to kill whoever the chapter was about. Eventually, he escaped from prison which led to a wild hunt for him as well as the cult he created. This show is about three seasons long towards the end of the third season he was captured and sentenced to the death penalty.

This show accurately portrayed how the legal system works in many ways that show will give all is watching is an insight into how difficult it may be interviewing suspects or witnesses many people have this concept that solving murder cases will be easy however the show shows the month criminal criminals will go through to cover up the crime they committed. Not only does it show the professional side of the legal system it also shows the emotional strain that is allotted to these people who have to perform such jobs, such as holding extremely heinous cases. The number one reason I would recommend watching this show is that it shows how long a case could take to solve. Many people don’t believe that it may take years to solve a cold case or a murder case or a rape case. This affected my view of long because when I did watch it I wasn’t sure which field in law I wanted to professionalize in. Quite frankly, I thought the law was boring.  However, this show made me notice how intriguing law can be if you allow it.




What I did November 3, 2021

Made breakfast and ate – 0.50

Doctors Appointment – 0.75

Went Shopping in target – 1.0

Went to see my best friend: new baby nephew- 2.0

Went to get food and ate – 0.50

Went to boyfriend’s house – 1.0

Made Dinner and ate – 0.50

Total – 6.25

Reflection- I noticed I had a really productive day. If I didn’t do timekeeping I would’ve just thought that my tasks took up my whole day, when It really only took up 6 hours and 15 minutes.

Who am I?

My name is Laila Clarke. I joined the paralegal studies program because I really enjoy watching law shows. But, it wasn’t until I joined the mock trial club in high school did I really realize how much I enjoyed law. Most subjects are usually boring for me but learning about the law comes so easily. I would watch law and order and pick up on many things before the show revealed it. One goal I want to achieve is finishing college, there are many times I see myself unmotivated, and my mind wonders to think about what life would be like if I didn’t go through college, but I am determined to finish. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, I suppose one interesting fact about me is that I’m a car enthusiast.