Discussion of Ch. 4.1 – 4.3

Please respond with a paragraph-sized comment for each of the two questions below. You will find it helpful to first compose your response in a Google or Word Doc and then cut-and-paste into the comment format. The questions are worth 5 points each.


  1. What are the five ‘filters’ that determine what media is produced and re-produced for your consumption? For each of them explain why they matter.
  2. Is the manufacture of consent purposeful or automatic? What is the role of ideology here? Argue your position.


16 thoughts on “Discussion of Ch. 4.1 – 4.3”

  1. Hector Marrero
    Language and Thinking
    Prof. Patrick Corbett

    Discussion Questions

    1. What are the five ‘filters’ that determine what media is produced and re-produced for your consumption? For each of them explain why they matter.

    The five filters that determine what media is produced and re-produced are media ownership, advertising income, the source of news story, how groups and individuals respond to stories, and communism must be avoided at all costs. Let me explain what each of them means to what we have today in the media mainstream. Media ownership means who owns the channel or the media outlet. If the media outlet is owned by a rich and conservative individual, he or she would try to push their believes through the channel. They would avoid liberal news or stories that would put different ideas to the channel’s viewers. Advertising income is the money that the outlet incurs in advertising the ideas and the outlet itself. If the outlet does not possess that much flow of money, it is then limited in how much advertising it can do to promote the channel and therefore its ideology and influence in the population is affected. We then have the source of news story. I think this one in particular emphasizes the idea of the manufacture of consent. If the media outlet picks and choose what they want to produce for the viewers to see, then we are just a sponge of the ideas the outlet want to push on us. By doing so we as consumers might think that what we see is the reality, and it becomes part of our dominant ideology. Our fourth filter is, how groups and individuals respond to stories. We as individuals have a unique sense of reality, and therefore a different interpretation of how things really are. The outlet has the power to pick whose opinion are in line with the outlet’s ideology. We as the consumer then view those opinions and reactions as the norm, thinking then that everybody else share the channel’s opinion, so it then again becomes the norm. Finally, we have the filter of, communism must be avoided at all cost. This means to promote any political ideologies except communism. The effect of this would be that, communism as an ideology, wouldn’t be able to take root in the viewers eyes.

    2. Is the manufacture of consent purposeful or automatic? What is the role of ideology here? Argue your position.

    The manufacture of consent is practice by the mass media purposely, they have an agenda to push, that could affect the ones in power negatively or positively, but the effect it has on the consumer is not automatic, it is an unconscious effect that it has on us. You see, if we become saturated with conservatives point of views night and day, then we make it, unconsciously, part of our common sense. This means that our ideology becomes influenced to what the conservative media want to push through. Their ideologies then become tools of an agenda they can force on us, because they have the “power” to own the mechanism that can do so, like radio waves and internet bands, that can reach millions. It is then our responsibility to become aware of these filters and the existence of this agendas, so we can hold on to our own thought and believes, and only change them or become influence, if WE really want to be influence. We need to educate our self’s and increase our media literacy, so these mass media are held in check with their agenda.

  2. There are five filters that determine media production. Ownership, advertisement, sourcing, flak and fear. Ownership is about who owns the media. Where is this media coming from. Where media comes from is important in it’s relevancy. Advertisement is about getting that information out. By advertising, information spreads faster and more people will know how to deal with something. Sourcing involves the relationship of sources and information. Is information valid? Is it proved? Information without sources is vague and unreliable, which means less people will believe. Flak is about the possible negative information given from the viewers. While there are many positive people, some will see it negatively. It’s the effort of the media to minimize flak. Fear is about the “enemy”. What is the enemy of the media? Enemies to media will fight, and the better the media, the more people will side it instead of the enemy.

    Manufacturing of consent is more purposeful than automatic. Giving consent makes it a better source, making media more reliable. People will be more likely to believe which installs less “flak” and “fear”. Ideology here plays in giving people that feeling. Is it reliable? Is it true? Is there proof? Do I believe in what the media says? That’s how ideology plays in manufacturing with consent.

  3. 1. There are five filters that control what media is produced and reproduced for consumption and each is important for the consumers to be aware of. The first filter is media ownership and this is important for consumers to consider because knowing who owns a channel of mass media may have an effect on the news stories we consume. For instance, Fox News and CNN may report on the same press conference that Trump delivers, but they will both portray Trump in a different light for their consumers. The second filter is advertising income. This is also important for consumers to be aware of because media outlets tend to advertise ideologies that coincide with their own. For instance, the Super Bowl this year was on Fox and they managed to slip in a commercial for Trump/Pence 2020. If the Super Bowl aired on a media outlet that tends to lean politically left, there certainly would have been campaigning commercials for Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden or any other Democratic candidate at that time, but certainly none supporting Trump’s campaign. Where our news stories come from is the third filter, and this is extremely important because all media outlets are biased in their own way. There is no such thing as a truly “neutral” news outlet. In regards to current events surrounding COVID-19, each news outlet will deliver the facts surrounding this pandemic but they will each be presented in different ways. Where our news comes from is tied in with how groups and individuals respond to stories, which is the fourth filter. Most news outlets are reporting on COVID-19 in a way that panics and shocks the consumers. This is especially important to consider during a time like this because the news outlets all seem to report on the horrors, and rarely any of them talk about the amount of people who have recovered or are recovering from COVID-19. Finally, this notion that communism is bad and must be avoided at all costs is the fifth filter. This matters especially in our current political climate because certain news outlets are portraying politicians as communists during this pandemic. For instance, Fox News and other news outlets that lean politically right are portraying Governor Cuomo as a “communist” for the measures implemented to slow down the spread of the virus. Any rational person can see that Cuomo is only acting for the greater good, but because certain people do not agree with his actions, certain outlets have decided to label him as a “communist” knowing that word will invoke strong feelings of negativity toward Cuomo.

    2. The manufacture of consent is certainly purposeful, although media outlets want the public to believe that it’s automatic. When you consider the five filters that determine what media is produced, it’s hard to say that the manufacture of consent is not purposeful. The argument could be made that if you do not agree with the information being presented in one media outlet, you could refer to a different one. However, this way of thinking is futile because all news outlets are biased and each news outlet has their own set of ideologies they are attempting to force on their consumers. Even if a person watches the news to simply be informed of the facts, they are technically only listening to a specific set of facts that the news outlet produces, which in turn causes a person to form opinions similar to that of the news outlet. This is an insidious way of exercising power and pushing ideologies onto the public. Each news outlet only partially represents the facts and they do this because they want to force their ideologies onto the consumers.

  4. There are five filter that determine what media is re-produced for public consumption. The first filter is the ownership of the media itself. This is an important factor that determines what views or values are portrayed through the media. For instance, depending on the owner’s own social and political views will determine what ideologies about a particular subject is portrayed. If the person owns a television network in which reports news, they are able to essentially control what idea is being portrayed about something and exactly how it is said. The employees, in this case reporters can be directly told what to say about a subject. Thus, the owner of the media form has influence or direct control of how a situation or person may be portrayed using the resources that they ultimately control. The second filter which controls the media is income that comes from advertisements. This controls the media because the income that they make from these advertisements can determine how successful these media outlets become. For example, in order to keep in business with said advertisers they essentially need to keep them “happy”. This means that these media outlets would do what they had to in order to keep stories or news that may portray them in a negative light out of their media streaming. This would keep them “happy” or satisfied with the way they are running things. However, this has a negative impact on what information the public is revealed to. This idea limits the amount of news that they would actually receive and keep them blind to certain issues or ideas. Another filter that determines media production is where the news or stories actually come from. This is an important aspect that controls re-production because the news or story may only be a partial representation of what actually happened. For example, the news may be one-sided and not properly or accurately tell the whole truth of what actually occurred. How individuals respond to stories is another filter that determines media reproduction. For example, the language that is used may confuse people. Different terms or phrases may be used to describe a particular subject. Thus, although the media is speaking of the exact same thing, the public may not understand that the media is doing so. This can cause great confusion and misunderstanding within society and the ideologies that they may accept or reject. Due to this fact, these different views can have a significant impact on their perspective or view on a subject matter. Lastly, the fifth filter that affects the re-production of media is to avoid communism at all cost. This is an important aspect because as Americans we are against the ideology of communism. Thus, in order to prevent rooting communist ideas or views into the people’s beliefs they are completely and utterly avoided.
    The manufacture of consent is automatic. It is automatic because these filters are used in order to maintain a way of seeing the world. In this aspect the role of ideology is to make sure that everyone either has the same values or have similar ways of thinking in order to maintain peace. For example, when ideologies or points of views are imposed on the public through media after time the public may have similar view points or ways of thinking about a subject. Thus, if more people think similarly it may cause less conflicts within society, which maintains peace. This is an automatic thing that happens within the media because they want the public to think how they think. Therefore, they do this unconsciously because they want the public to think that what they are saying and how they are saying; how they are portraying subjects is the correct way of doing so.

  5. 1. The Five ‘filters’ that determine what media is produced and re-produced for you consumption is (a) media ownership,(b) advertising income,(c) the source of new stories,(d) how groups and individuals respond to stories, (e) communism must be avoided. Media Ownership- is mostly owner by an individual who is rich in asset or , company or corporation. In this case , this person or entity would try to persuade the audience. I believe this is how false news or sometimes unrelated facts are shared to the world viewing that specific channel. Customers of the big televise news chain will be easily fooled or lie to, so it becomes an ideology in my opinion. Communism is a political, social and economic ideology or theory whose ultimate goal is to structured their ideas by means of production by social class , money and state. There are negative impacts of social media such as increased levels of depression and anxiety.

    2.The manufacture of consent is purposeful because it shows and points to a number of factors that influence what stories we read and hear and in which form we will receive them. Most times the information we receive through mass media is altered or change to fit a certain topic or question to the public can influence a negative or positive result from the audience. News media often times uses propaganda – which is information designed to promote a particular argument or point of view , sometimes beneficial to those in power. Looking at the language of new reporters can provide important information about how power is created and exercised.

  6. (1). The five filters that determines what media is produced and reproduced for consumption are ownership, advertising, sourcing, promoters, and anti-communism. Ownership’s worth for the media gives a high concentration of the media market and increases the chances to reduce the plurality of political, cultural, and social point of views. We rely on ownership of the media to provide us with facts and interpretations of the world. The information we receive allows us to understand the world and influence our social and political decisions. Advertising which is the second filter covers the cost of production and without it prices of newspapers would have to increase. Also it tells you what the service or product is, where it can be bought, for how much, by whom, and why it should be bought. Thirdly, sourcing matters because it includes information by economic necessity and reciprocity of interest. Promoters at the other hand, go beyond passive sharing and instead engage in active recommendations to other people. They are also more receptive to recommendations from their own social network and are open to checking out things that their friends like. Lastly, anti-communism exploit public fear and hatred of groups that pose a potential threats. Communism which is the complete opposite were portrayed by their detractors as endangering freedoms of speech, movement, the press and so forth. This shows how well and crucial it is to have anti-communism as part of the filters of media.

  7. 1. There are five filters that determine what media is produced and reproduced. The first one is media ownership, which is who or how many people own it, and this is important because it as created to reduce media pluralism. Increased attention to the media market reduces the plurality, of other points of view in political, social, and cultural views. The second is advertising income which is what is earned by individuals from there advertisements that they posted on their websites, social media, or any other platforms. The third is the source of news stories, which is where this was taking from. This important because people have to be able to rely on the news being shown, and trust it to actually watch it. Fourth is how groups and individuals respond to stories, in other words, their reactions. This is important because you want the things you broadcast to be interesting and bring a lot of attention. Lastly is communication must be avoided at all costs, leaving your viewers and the audience guessing.
    2. I believe the manufacture of consent is purposeful. It’s a system created so that citizens would become willing and obedient, obeying certain principles of media. Certain things that are shown in the media and the way they are shown is all purposeful. Like having something really sad in a small corner of the news but having something political and “important” on the whole front cover page. People who are in the power of these media pick, and choose what’s important for people to see, and read about.

  8. Md Faris Noor
    Professor Patrick Corbett
    ENG 1161
    27 March 2020

    What are the five ‘filters’ that determine what media is produced and re-produced for your consumption? For each of them explain why they matter.

    The five ‘filters’ that determine what media is produced and reproduced for our consumption are media ownership, advertising income, the source of news stories, how groups and individuals respond to stories, and that communism must be avoided at all costs. Advertising income matters because it has to do with ideology. “Ideology acts like a filter, to remove ideas that contradict the properties of the ideology. Media ownership is important for consumers to consider because knowing who owns a channel of mass media may influence the news stories we consume. For example, FOX news and RT TV may report on the same press conference that Trump delivers, but most likely they will portray Trump in a different light. Second, advertising filter is also significant for consumers to be aware of because media outlets tend to advertise ideologies that coincide with their own. For instance, I’ve noticed that some YouTube channels have ads in their videos that happen to be closely related to the content of the videos. Third, where our news stories come from is also important because all media outlets are biased in their own way. If you think about it, almost no one can be 100% unbiased because it’s human nature and people are usually affected by desires/emotions which are always there. Where our news comes from is tied in with the reaction of consumers, which is the fourth type of filter. Most news outlets are reporting on COVID-19 in a way that panics and shocks the consumers. This is especially important to consider during a time like this because the news outlets all seem to report on the horrors, and rarely any of them talk about the amount of people who have recovered or are recovering from COVID-19. Finally, the notion that communism is bad and must be avoided at all costs is the fifth type of filter. Therefore, most Americans are expected to dislike China or Russia because they are still tied to communistic beliefs.

    Is the manufacture of consent purposeful or automatic? What is the role of ideology here? Argue your position.

    I believe that the manufacture of consent if mostly automatic and somewhat purposeful. Ideology is the prime means of manufacturing consent. “Newspaper editors do not need to be told to print or to withhold particular stories that may make large advertisers unhappy. In terms of running the newspaper, it’s common sense to keep advertisers (filter (b)) and owners content. This is how ideology works; the ideology acts like a filter, to remove ideas that contradict the properties of the ideology. Nor is the filtering necessarily conscious. To suppose that it is would be to underestimate and misunderstand ideological processes.” (p.73) The quote says it all, basically.

  9. Nasrine Khalil
    Professor Patrick Corbett
    English 1161 – D-516
    March 27, 2020
    Discussion Questions – Chapter Four
    The mass media has created these five filters to continue to place society in these ideologies by picking and choosing which media is presented to society. Each of these filters is crucial to mass media because each of them plays a role in how and why the media is portrayed to society the way it is presented. The first of the five is media ownership. Media ownership can be defined as the owner of whos producing the news. Whoever that maybe, they (and a whole team behind that person) gets to decide what news is going to be displayed on their channel. However, they insert their own beliefs through this. This is important because it creates a bias. The second filter is advertising income. This is how that news channel would contribute their money into advertising their channel and the news that they are choosing to reveal. The role of ideology here comes in by targeting their advertisement to a certain group that they had intended on in the first place and which only makes their income increase, but unfortunately, further places society in the ideology of it. The third is a source of news stories which is filtering what news society is consuming. The producers (news channels) deprive us of what they don’t want society to know (the truth) in fear it would affect them in any way, leaving society only knowing what they’re provided with. The fourth filter is how groups and individuals respond to stories. This filter is much more of the producers only displaying the news that their viewers want to see. If the audience that is targeted responds negatively, then they would bash their news channel. For them to avoid that, they must only put forth what the viewers want to see. The last filter is communism must be avoided at all costs. This filter makes it so that everything but communism is put forth since once again it’s not what the people want. Within each of these filters, they all play a role in concealing the truth for the benefit of the media which by doing this they exert their power.
    2.) The manufacture of consent is done purposefully especially considering the five filters that determine the mass media mode of production. If one were to study these five filters and become more aware of how the mass media purposefully places society into this ideology, they would then be able to find the truth and realize how much is kept from society but that it’s all done with intentions. However, the reason why mass media is placing us into these ideologies and filtering society from the truth is that society also plays a role in giving them what they want. Society is constantly giving the mass media what they want (which is continuing being a part of the ideology they’re placed in) and they are unaware of this. In order for one to prevent this, they would need to come to terms with this and begin to further investigate the media that’s being exposed to them and if they are being given the whole truth. Once this is done, they are able to unmask the filters and ideologies that they have become accustomed to.

  10. 1) The five ‘filters’ that determine what media is produced and re-produced for our consumption are media ownership, advertising income, the source of new stories, how groups and individuals respond to stories, and communism must be avoided at all costs.
    Media ownership is the person or group who owns the new channel or media site. It matters who stands behind the channel or media site because that person or group would seek more to sponsor news that would reflect on their beliefs which can sometimes affect how the number of audiences they receive. Advertising income is the amount of money that the owner would receive based on the propaganda made to attract an audience. This matters because of the income is low it may affect the amount of advertising made which ultimately may end the news channel. The filter the source of new stories matters because it helps distinguish what type of news it is. For example, hard news is news related to negative news such as crimes. The filter how groups and individuals respond to stories matters because it would help the owner of the channel or media site pick and choose which group within society would react to their presented news. The filter communism must be avoided at all costs because this political ideology would not attract the audience and therefore, it is best to not promote it.

    2) Chomsky and Herman state that the five filters alter information in a form that public’s agreement with both the information and the ideologies that structure it is not a ‘real’ agreement; rather, it is ‘manufactured consent.’ The manufactured consent filters structure the language and content at an ideological level. It is a norm that these filters are presented within mass media however, we do not recognize them. Because of this normality the filters become part of our ‘common sense’ which makes it part of the dominant ideology. Therefore, the manufactured consent happens automatically. I can agree with these ideas because when a news is presented to the ‘mass media’ the audience tense to follow the belief of the larger group opposed to the smaller group. For instance, our current situation with COVID-19 from watching the news and social media we can tell that the majority of the population are seeking for us all to work together to overcome this pandemic and of course no one wants to get sick so the majority are following the protocols being put into place.

  11. 1. The five “filters” that determine what media is produced and re-produced for our consumption are media ownership, advertising income, the source of new stories, how groups and individuals respond to stories, and communism must be avoided at all costs. Media ownership is the individual who owns the media outlet. This matter because based on their social and political views is that we are going to perceive the content and the coverage in these outlets. Advertising Income is the amount of money earned from the advertising of the media outlet. This matters because if the media channel or outlet does not produce any income then it will be more difficult for the channel to become successful. The source of new stories is where the stories come from. This matters because it allows the viewers to identify if these are reliable sources for us to trust. How group and individuals respond to stories allows viewers to understand why we get the news we do, what is the ideology of the outlet and why is it important to view it. This matters because viewers decide whether they want to watch the stories or not. Communism must be avoided at all costs is that the ideology of communism should not be promoted in order for viewers to accept it, otherwise it will generate fear for the audience.
    2. The manufacture of consent is a concept that describes how the mass media functions in both economic and ideological terms. It influences what stories we read and hear and in what form we received them (Chromsky and Herman 1988). For me, this concept is purposeful, because the media owners know what to do in order to attract our attention or to persuade us. The ideology is they do this by making it appear to be common sense.

  12. 1) There are five filters that determine what media is produced and reproduced for our consumption. The first filter is media ownership. Who owns the particular news and social media outlets you are receiving your information from? For example, Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp are all owned by Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook and Instagram claim to be unbiased and personalize your news feed based on your past behavior. However, it would be very easy for the company to push forward their own ideas. The second filter is advertising income. This refers to the income outlets receive for advertisements. Popular social media users are notorious for advertising products they do not use or like for money. Another example would be television channels advertising products they have some type of interest or shares in. The third filter is the source of news stories. A good example from the textbook was the issue of “Obamacare” or the Affordable Care Act. A republican based source would refer to the legislation as Obamacare to create negativity and discredit the law. Anyone viewing the source would assume that that is the name of the law. The Affordable Care Act sounds much more pleasing. The fourth filter is groups and individuals’ respond to stories. Depending on who responds or is involved in a story, it may or may not be reported. For example, the general public is more inclined to read a story if a celebrity is reacting or commenting in it. Another example is of the sources involved in the story. Some people are more inclined to trust news reports if there are qualified experts mentioning statistics and research. The last filter is communism must be avoided at all costs. Communism is kind of a bad word in our media and anyone with their name attached to it is viewed in a particular way. Some people might not even understand the concept of communism, but know to steer away from it. That is the power of filters and narrative.

    2) Depending on the topic, the manufacture of consent can be purposeful or automatic. It is purposeful when news outlets are trying to push ideas for profit. Or when they intentionally leave out stories that could make advertisers look bad. But it can be automatic in cases like international reports. For example, Western media can sometimes portray the rest of the world as oblivious to rational arguments and progress. Ideologies unconsciously filter out ideas that contradict with our beliefs so I think American media can unconsciously focus on negative international news that confirms its beliefs. They can also word foreign conflicts in a negative way that unconsciously affects our views and common sense.

  13. Emely Real
    Patrick Corbett
    Eng 161

    The five ‘filters’ that determine what media is produced and re-produced for our consumption would be the following , media ownership which are those individuals who own the media outlet. Advertising income would be how the outlet is secured in order to be successful. The source of new stories is where the stories come from, this has to be a reliable source for the individuals. How individuals and groups respond to stories which goes with what the viewers want to see. Lastly communism which should always be avoided. The manufacture is purposeful. Especially when we hear from news reports or any source of media that’s been given to us. We can see this from news sources where they give us what they want us to know which then makes us form the same opinions and views that they do.

  14. 1.
    There are five filters of media that determine what is produced and reproduced for public consumption. The first filter is media ownership, this refers to the group of lucky individuals who own news channels and media outlets. These individuals who own these media outlets decide what will be displayed to the people who are tuned in. Consumer’s like me, who didn’t know this, should be worried because they control what media we consume. Next filter is advertising income, is media outlets advertising different ads that they can benefit from. Like Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and other kid network’s, air toy advertisements that sell toys that are from the shows they broadcast because they get a share from the sells. The next filter is the source where new stories come from. This is important even in little things like sports news, when my friends and I hear of a trade rumor we ask where the source came from to see if it’s a reliable source or not. Bleacher report is more trusted than a basketball page on Facebook. The next filter is how groups and individuals respond to stories. This is the reaction of the last filter but in a more serious situation this is important as well. Currently COVID-19 is hitting the world hard. How we as a community respond to the news we are getting could make the situation better or worse. The news is informing us that we should keep safe and stay inside. Many people are reacting in different ways to the situation that is going on. Many of us are staying inside, but some people don’t believe in it. Since the situation is getting worse the news is giving out more of the horror to influence those who don’t care to be more worried about the situation. The fifth filter is communism should be avoided at all cost, this filter was shocking to me because I wouldn’t think it existed. Shouldn’t everyone know not to advertise communism it shouldn’t be spoken about, even speaking about it gives me chills. Communism wouldn’t attract most audiences in the United States.

    I believe that manufacture of consent is purposeful. After learning about the five filters of media it made us more aware of information that the media is not letting us know. The media chooses what is more important than another situation. Media is based upon politics and these politics are making us more ignorant to the truth. It’s all structured around money the media outlets have ideologies but are all somewhat the same because it circles back to money and the profit they are getting.

  15. Tiasha Samuels
    English 1161
    Discussion 4.1- 4.3

    1. What are the five ‘filters’ that determine what media is produced and re-produced for your consumption? For each of them explain why they matter.
    The five filters that determine what media is produced and re-produced for your consumption are media ownership, advertising income, the source of news stories, how groups and individuals respond to stories and the communism must be avoided at all cost. Each of these are important on how media is produced and re-produced for our consumption. Media ownership is important because it shows how reliable the information is that they are broadcasting. Advertising income is important because the quality of information that is being published is important to the audience. If the information is cheap the audience isn’t going to take it seriously. The source of news stories is what makes the information real or not. Where is the source coming from and how accurate these sources are? How groups and individuals respond to the stories is important because it will show how effective it is. If an individual or group reacts to it in a way that the producer wants it is effective. It is important that communism is avoided at all cost because it can cause conflict and chaos in the community.
    2. Is the manufacture of consent purposeful or automatic? What is the role of ideology here? Argue your position.
    The manufacture consent is more purposeful than automatic. When you look at the five filters the media wants you to think and view their main point the same way. The way media is made and sent out to the public is done purposely. The way is produced, the sources, the amount of money that is being produced and the income and also the way that people we react to it. Everything the mass media puts out is strategic. Some networks may purposely leave out details to keep society calm instead of outraged. The language that they use is what is more strategic.

  16. Hiu Wai Chan
    Professor Corbett
    The 5 filters are: Media ownership, advertising income, the source of news stories, how groups and individuals respond to stories, and communism must be avoided at all costs. Media ownership is what the media is being presented to the audience whether it is based on facts or ‘false news’. Media ownership is controlled by the producers and what would be allowed to be shown to consumers. Media ownership would be promoting propaganda to influence audience with opinions that are bias. Advertising income is promoting and presenting with different types of media, newspapers, radio, television, and online. Advertising income is selling an idea or a product to consumers to persuade them to buy into the idea or produce being promoted. The source of news stories is being filtered, to draw attention from the consumers. Not all news stories are true, ‘fake news’ could be projected to the audience, most people would like to believe what the media is stating is a fact that was researched. The source of news is widely used in mass media to promote an idea or event that is occurring but can be misleading leaving out other information. How groups and individuals respond to stores is based on how trustworthy the news is true, throughout time if the news is repeatedly true, people tend to classify whatever else the news is being broadcast later would be a true statement. People often interpret whether the news was accurate to determine if the news is considered to be true, based on experience people would trust the news that is told and consider it as a fact. Mass media controls how groups and individual respond to news stories by projecting what is considered important enough to be presented and leaving whatever else that is unnecessary. Communism should be avoided because it is based on a prejudice view that is shown to the audience, which does not give the audience different point of views on the topic. Communism is a form of propaganda that introduce a theory and persuade consumers on the prejudice view through mass media.
    The manufacture of consent is purposeful for the reason that information is created by man that is advertise through the media, newspaper, or radio to send a message across to the consumers. Manufacture of consent holds a lot of political views, a form of propaganda being promoted, that benefits those in a higher position. News and media main purpose is to advertise a point of view and discussions relating to a prejudice opinion. The role of ideology is to convey the audiences to believe the prejudice view the media and the news are feeding to people. The ideology is to convince audience on beliefs and audiences cannot choose more than one standpoint. Too many ideas or standpoint could affect the prejudice view that the media is using to promote their idea.

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