Headphone Design Brief

Jesus, Jonathan, Jenydia,Maggie
1)Brand: Sony White Headphones
-Black Background
2)The style of the brand is very Elegant, sleek and clean.

Jesus will bring the headphones, Black cloth

Our Concept for shooting is that we plan on focusing on shooting the headphones by themselves in order to promote the product by itself, as well as with a model wearing the headphones. We also want to change the scenery by shooting outside and all around the school in different areas to give the headphones more life, and also to give people an idea of the product in real world scenarios.

For hearing loss we plan on using two models and showing hand gestures and facial expressions to show how damaging headphones can be. But also try to make the headphones look deadly by themselves. by adding different props to it around to show the headphones in a negative light.

One thought on “Headphone Design Brief

  1. rmichals

    Remember that I specified both solutions must include a portrait. We will get to still life soon enough. I strongly prefer that you shoot in the studio. that said, you could set up a shot in the classroom area for that real world feel.

    Think more about what kind of lighting will best convey your message for each. If the Sony white headphones are sleek and clean, you probably want the image to be light and bright probably lit with front light. This will however make it difficult to get a black background as the front light will fall on the background and make it gray. You might try against white and black.

    For the headphones shot if you want to imply danger, you probably want to use high contrast lighting. Its a bit like in a movie. The music can tell you what to expect. The high contrast lighting is associated with danger. Remember that the article counsels turning down the music played in the headphones and just taking breaks-taking off the headphones.


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