Topic Five: Social Media

Summary: In the article ” Social Media Addiction is a Bigger Problem Than You Think”, Mike Elgan explains some of the tricks and ingredients that make social media so addicting. He discusses FOMO, or the fear of missing out, and the need to always check our notification number. Nevertheless, he concludes by telling us how to kick the habit.

Communication Problem: The images that accompany this article should show the miscommunication that looking at your phone can cause. For example, imagine an image where a student is looking down at their phone while another student is talking to them.

Image Ideas: After discussing concepts with a partner, he made me think of some great ideas. Social media can be thought of as a drug. It’s a habit that many adults and young adults are simply obsessed with. My idea is to have a person looking at their phone, while another person to looking over their shoulder, being nosy. Another idea is to have one person looking at their phone, while another grabs their hand trying to get a glimpse of what’s on their phone. This is social media addiction at its finest.

Results: Quite frankly, capturing the right images came with many obstacles. Even an hour after setting up, me and my group continuously ran into technical difficulties. It all started when the flash simply wouldn’t fire. We are aware that the camera wouldn’t flash until it focuses on something, but even with the camera focused, the flash wouldn’t fire. Roger decided that our wireless flash wasn’t working and we were given the wire, which connects the camera to the power pack. Even with the wire, we still faced difficulties keeping the wire jammed into the camera’s socket. Furthermore, our camera constantly experience a color issue, even when auto white balance was turned on. Many images came out extremely orange. It was a tricky shoot!

One thought on “Topic Five: Social Media

  1. rmichals

    I am sorry that you had so many technical issues. there is not direct relationship between focus and the flash. If you are using automatic focus, the camera will not shoot if it can’t focus first. If it does not shoot, then the strobe will not fire.


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