The Botany of Desire : A Plant’s Eye View of the World

Summary: This article talks about farmers harvesting crops but intellectually it won’t be part of their property. The meaning of this, is that they are able to eat the crops or sell, but there genes would be the property of Monsanto. If the author, were to save a spud to plant the following year he would be breaking the law. Michael Pollan talks about the modern farmer is now industrial. They can’t grow so much food without having large portions of chemical fertilizers, which has negative side effects to his health, his soil, and pollution of the ground water. He discusses that now individuals are using the genes of food plants as software, making it no longer an organic plant. It is being replaced with genetic engineering and the use of expensive toxic chemicals.

Communication Problem: The crops have become part of an operating system and genetically engineer which has negative impacts on the environment and the health of the farmer itself.

Image Ideas: Using a darker lighting, close-up, with shadows to demonstrate, the not so innocence of farming. Including props that have an industrial feeling and maybe dirt to show the correlation with a natural substance and hand-made elements.

Result: This shoot came out better than I expected, my team thought of really interesting and diverse ideas which we got to practice in each station. We were able to communicate effectively the article and it was really fun using different light effects to create a horizon or a even a vignette sort-of-feel.

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