A father a son a disease and a camera

A father a son a disease and a camera

The photos that the photographer has put in the sequence shows the story of his father going through a disease and documenting the story just by taking pictures. When I first saw the pictures the first thing I noticed was how they were in black and white. It set the mood in the early stages already on how the photographer wanted it portray the story. At the beginning of the pictures they are all usually long shots and some medium shots. But once the disease is getting to the father, they start showing close ups of the fathers face. The pictures stay consistent with the black and white throughout all of them. The pictures really help I tell the story Because it looks all gloomy and sad as it should be. The photographer really did a good job to send the right message to the audience. One of the pictures that really caught my eye was the close up of his father face in the hospital. It shows the final stages of his life and it could be a center dominant eye. I say this because the eye is in the middle of the picture and itā€™s the first thing I saw too. Mostly all the close ups pictures show a really good story. It helps the audience see what he has to deal with the disease. The lighting of the picture is side lighting Because thereā€™s only light on one side of his face. The picture shows an emotionless father that already had his faith sealed. The picture also shows the term ā€œFill the frameā€ At first the photographer shows how the disease catches up to his father while showing the happy side of him. While you keep on swiping to the right the pictures show the father getting worse and worse by the days. At one point the father looks like heā€™s struggling to put his clothes on and shower too. They both show long shots of his whole body. The next pictures it shows him at the hospital looking lifeless. While his family members are by his side. They show close ups of him when he has passed away and show pictures of his grave. His family is kissing him and give him their goodbyes in his deathbed before they take him away.

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One Response to A father a son a disease and a camera

  1. rmichals says:

    You make a good observation that the types of shots change as the story progresses and change from longer shots with more information to tighter shots of the father’s face. With illness, one’s world closes in. The types of shots and how they are sequenced mimic this.

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