Category Archives: Learning Logs

LL6-Lighting Direction

I decided to pick this photograph because of contrast and negative space. I like the subtle hue of of purple and yellow and I prefer up-close photographs.

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Paul Paulino – Lighting Direction

This photo was taken from the side with the light coming from the front left creating the shadow in the right. I like this photo because of how the shallow depth of field works here. The yellow flower is the … Continue reading

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Lighting Direction

This photo was taken from the side profile.  The yellow pops out from the black background and creates dramatic negative space.  The lighting is coming from the top side and that makes the front petals look brighter than the back. … Continue reading

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Lighting direction

Out of all the photos my group took, this photo Jesenia took appealed to me the most. The side light spotlight really brought out a good contrast between light and dark and it is more more noticeable since the flower … Continue reading

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Lighting Direction with Flowers

This photo is my favorite from this photoshoot because the lighting direction is very sharp, making the background completely black with no gray scales. The lighting also makes the flowers stand out from the pitch black background. Plus it follows … Continue reading

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I like this close-up because the details on the petals. The contrast makes this composition strong, and also the yellow lower is dominant against the purple one.  I think the lighting direction at a 90 degree angle on the right … Continue reading

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 What i really like about this image is the contrast between the background and flower. The flower is balanced in the middle with a lot of room to breathe.

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Shutter Speed

      Shutter speed is the unit of measurement which determines how long the shutter remains open as the picture is taken. The slower the longer. Shutter speeds are expressed in seconds or fractions of a second. For example 2″, … Continue reading

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Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is the the length of time a shutter is opened to expose film.  The shutter speed assigns low numbers to slow film and higher numbers to faster film.  I like this picture because it represents the result of the shutter speed … Continue reading

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Brooklyn Bridge

This is a very interesting  picture! I really like this picture because the log seems normal but the pattern it creates is pretty fascinating. The repetition of the cracks and holes creates a pattern that most people might miss. The … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-Depth of Field | 1 Comment