Author Archives: Camila farias

Painting with light

The way this photograph was taken was by mixing the strobe lights and once the seconds are over on the ISO the person holding the light will create a design and this design is a cloud.

Posted in LL8-Painting with Light | 1 Comment

Week 9 Portraits

This is a silhouette shot that was taken unsurprisingly. However, the cause of this image was the changes due to the aperture. The aperture was changed between the range of 16 and 18. As well as the background lights pointing … Continue reading

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Exhibit Review

The exhibit Interior Lives: Contemporary Photographs of Chinese New Yorkers, are photographs by Thomas Holton, Annie Ling, and An Rong Xu. The exhibit had a lot of open space and dim lights. The photographs were framed on each wall. The … Continue reading

Posted in HW-Exhibit Review | 1 Comment


This image I took of Simon could’ve been better because it was shot horizontally instead of vertically. If I were to shoot this vertically the frame could’ve been more tighter. I like this image because it’s the only one he’s … Continue reading

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Motion Blur and Frozen Motion

This is an example of a motion blur. The shutter speed is 1/8. You can see the movement of the players because there’s a contrast between them versus the ones that are still.   This is an example of a … Continue reading

Posted in LL7-Shutter Speed and Capturing Motion | 1 Comment

Botanical Garden

This is an example of a pattern that goes horizontal and vertical. This is an example of Rule of Thirds because the image gives an equally visual composition of the center, right and left side.

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Cemetery Trip: Perspective and Depth of Field

This image demonstrates Depth of Field because the sharpness of the dandelion is presented and the focus is on the dandelion rather than the background; that has no focus.   This is an example of perspective because the road is … Continue reading

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LL2: Composition and Camera Angle

This chair is shot in a worm’s eye view. The photographer took it from a low perspective. He laid down and shot upward to give that perspective of a “worm”. This is my favorite because it does look like a … Continue reading

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HW 1

“Voice Tunnel” by Matthew Pillsbury takes images of New York City and emphasizes the location as the main subject rather than the people. The photographer’s intention in this photograph is to clear the room and make the background the emphasis. … Continue reading

Posted in HW1-photo description, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Learning Log: what makes a great photograph?

Making a great photograph consists of good lighting, angles, and editing of the photo. Lighting and exposure in the photo is important because it shows the clarity and detail in the photo. Angles are also a factor when creating a … Continue reading

Posted in LL1-What makes a great photograph? | 1 Comment