Author Archives: Berta Umana

Botanic Garden

  I like this picture because there was a tower next to the botanic garden that I was able to fit in the picture. The focus though of this picture is of course the orange flower.

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This Picture I love because I was able to fit two buildings into the picture but the focus of the picture is the flower and the butterfly.

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This Picture is taken in Prospect Park I love the sky and light hitting the flower.

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Class Flower

This picture was taken in class and with the light hitting the flower in awsome.

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Monument of 911 I like this picture because the shadows around it.

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Stanley Kubrick


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HW#4/stanley Kubrick/andi nterior lives

Berta Umana:interior lives Photography-Kubrick

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birds eye view of a window

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little kid-Berta Umana

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