Exhibit review

The exhibit interior live: Contemporary photographs of Chinese New Yorkers at the Museum of the City of New York, with photographs by Thomas Holton, Annie Ling, An Rong Xu. The exhibit had lowered ceiling lights following by projected pictures on the center of the gallery. There were about 135 photographs in total, broken into 3 categories. Each one of these photographers explore the lives of Chinese individuals in New York in another point of view. For instance, Thomas capture a single family lifestyle for 15 years, then Ling documentary the difficult lives of 35 residents as the “invisible immigrants” who work hard to support their families. Moreover, the exhibit through a different lens: Stanley Kubrick photographs is an amazing exhibit that shows Kubrick techniques at capturing cinematic frames for the LOOK magazine at 17.

In the interior lives exhibit, Thomas wanted to experience what’s the reality of Chinatown behind the doors. In one of his photograph he shows this family lives, which is called “Online at a friend’s.” This photograph interpret how small was the house they live in, there was no space for the kids to study or play, however they were pushing through the circumstances.  Therefore, Thomas succeed at making me feel something about the project because living with 5 family members in one bedroom apartment  is a struggle that I can relate. Afterwards Kubrick exhibit also show New Yorkers in action. An example of this shown in the photographs “Advertising Sign Painters at work” in which communicate how advertisements were created by doing still life illustrations while people watched with several impressions in 1947.

One photograph I loved in the exhibit was the “Park Benches: Love is Everywhere” by Kubrick. The 3 photographs shown on the exhibit was taken to capture the romantic action on park benches, fire escapes and more. The photograph was to portrayed love couples on the fire escape in a high view angle with flash. I love this picture because it shows how scared and romantic this couple looks also how the photographer captures the moment and their reactions.


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One Response to Exhibit review

  1. rmichals says:

    The crowded apartments of the Thomas Hilton series are certainly the reasons that young couples search out public spots like park benches and fire escapes to be alone. The two things are like the two sides of one coin. I appreciate that you put that together for me.

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