Homework 1

The photograph that caught my interest was a photo by Michael Kenna named “Empire State Building, Study 5” http://www.michaelkenna.net/gallery.php?id=14. The photograph consists of the empire state building with other buildings in it, with a reflection you can see in a window. This was taken in New York City since it is the empire state building and that’s where its located. I find this photo really interesting because it caught my eye as soon as I looked at it. The photo made me feel comfortable, and it rested easily on my eyes which I really liked considering that the photograph was probably done to make you feel calm and look aesthetically pleasing. The mood/feeling this photograph gives out is like just calm and pleasing to the eye and very settling to look at in general.

Three formal elements from the Steve McCurry video that are most important from the photo is symmetry, leading lines, and patterns. Michael used the element of symmetry because of how the reflection on the window looks so symmetrical to the buildings which makes it super pleasing to look at as well as enjoy the photo in all. The symmetry in the photo is possible with the border that connects to the window which is reflecting the building as if its a mirror. Leading lines is also a factor element to this photograph because the border in the middle of the photo leads you upward to where the buildings are and also the buildings lead you up as well when you look at both of the photos as a whole. It leads you to look at the buildings and patterns in it as well. Patterns is an element as well because of how the buildings have their windows and different designs that look like patterns all around it. The buildings have consistent patterns all around them which makes the photo also look really nice and very pleasing.

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One Response to Homework 1

  1. rmichals says:

    This photo is a great example of symmetry. The window form patterns of both buildings.

    However, while this photograph is a strong example of perspective, it does not have leading lines. Leading lines lead to the most important element in the photograph. Here the converging lines of the perspective create a strong sense of deep space but these lines do not lead to anything.

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