Exhibit Review HW

As you go into the Museum, its a nice and beautiful entrance. You are able to walk freely, but heading to the right side there it the first exhibit with photos of three photographers. There were more than 15 photos on each wall of the exhibit. The photos were based on Chinese immigrants that were living in New York City. It showed how they were living in a small and tight place with just a small cubical size like room. On the left side of the wall showed how a photographer was with a family for almost 10 years. On the far end of the wall will be about the Chinese immigrant living place and on the left side shows the same as the far end wall. However, each wall was different because it was three different photographers.

The photographer I will be writing about is Thomas Holton who was half-Chinese and american. He took picture of a Chinese family named Lam that were living in New York City but in a cramp place. He took part of their family and began to join in their every day activity that all do as a family. AS he took picture and join their family he became to feel a bond with them. He did succeed in his pictures because he felt like part of their family, in his photos it shows how cramp they were living but how the family still made it work. The family felt happy and peace in the photos that Holton took of the family.

As you can see in the first photo, Thomas Holton was able to capture a moment of how joyful the siblings are playing in the bath tub together. Along side the mother washing clothes watching them have fun and peace together. Even if they were living in a tight and cramped space they were still able to find peace and happiness with each other. In the second picture you can see the same siblings all grown up and still together as a family. They don’t seem much happiness because they had gone through struggles but they are still together as a family.

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One Response to Exhibit Review HW

  1. rmichals says:

    I love the comparison between these two photos. Seeing these kids as they grow up is amazing. close as little kids and close as teenagers. And in both photos, the Mom is right there making sure they are safe. Pictures like this are only possible because of the dedication over years to this project by the photographer. It just would not be as meaning full if he gave up after one year or even five years. Think about how many pix, Holton must have taken to get these two.

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