LL: Cemetery Trip(Perspective and Depth of Field)

This image is a good example of perspective because we see the graves lined up so that they are going back into space. It allows the graves in front to seem taller and the graves in the back to seem smaller.


This photo is a great example of depth of field since the statue in front is in focus, while the other statue in the back is not. As a result, the statue in front seems much smoother and clearer overall with a soft relationship to the statue in the background.

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One Response to LL: Cemetery Trip(Perspective and Depth of Field)

  1. rmichals says:

    These are terrific examples. Your perspective photo primarily uses diminishing scale to create a sense of depth. Your example of shallow depth of field uses dog to direct our attention the face of one statue while still putting the two statues into the frame and creating a relationship between them.

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