Learning Log: what makes a great photograph?

Making a great photograph consists of good lighting, angles, and editing of the photo. Lighting and exposure in the photo is important because it shows the clarity and detail in the photo. Angles are also a factor when creating a great photograph because angles come from perspectives  and everyone has a different perspective. Usually angles are shot from high to low or center to side. The majority of the photos shown symbolize struggle. Struggling whether it comes from being tortured, enduring poverty, or political oppression. These components just demonstrate reality and rawness.

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One Response to Learning Log: what makes a great photograph?

  1. rmichals says:

    The angle the photo is taken from can really change how engaging it is. Sometimes this is called perspective. It is important to remember that perspective is also used in a different way-to mean the creation of the feeling of depth on a 2d surface.

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