Jonathan – What Makes a Great Photograph? – L1

A great photograph will always have balance. Balance within subjects, movement, lighting, techniques, and editing (although editing is not a major point within balance, it has the power to create or enhance balance). Anybody can take a photo but not everybody can take a great photo. To find balance within a photograph shows that the photographer is capable of using balance in a way to make their photo stand out. Balance will always be a powerful idea within a composition and can strike emotion and realization towards the subject.

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One Response to Jonathan – What Makes a Great Photograph? – L1

  1. rmichals says:

    Balance is kind of a nebulous concept. I don’t emphasize it in class because it is somewhat subjective unlike say perspective or symmetry. “An even distribution of visual weight” doesn’t really capture it. Lets keep talking about what it is beyond a feeling that the photo looks “right.” See if we can find a definition of balance with some precision.

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