agenda: march 30 introduce process book

Class Info: week 8, march 30

This agenda provides a detailed outline and gives a clear vision of the day’s class.


Text & image: Grid

Goals: Applying the grid

Objectives: Use a grid over multiple pages

Guest: Professor Hitchings


To-Do: before class

Post your homework

Prepare to describe your work


Let’s chat

Does you poster seem to reflect your influence?
How did adding the image help?

Add your answer to the chat

Opener: low-stakes

On Miro:

Why did you choose your influencer.
Add your favorite image and state what it means to you.


How do we organize a book?
slides gd2 book design.pdf

Activity 1

slides: gd2 book design.pdf

Demonstration In class project: Process Book

Download and open your InDesign Process book template

Place letterform process material in position

Paragraph styles:

Activity 2

Review posters

Wrap up

Today we had an InDesign project

How does it relate to what I already know?

What new information did learn about InDesign?


Due Wednesday: 3/30

Due Monday: 4/6

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