Due: 11:30, Monday, 3/7
Objective: Explore the diversity of alignment to a grid structure.
Goal: Examine proportions.
category: alignment
To Do
- finalize icon
- align
1. Icon
- finalize your icon
- create both positive and negative form
- add to Miro
2. Alignment
Use your Influence text to create 4 pages of text
Each page must have at least 2 left alignments
one quote
designer’s name
designer’s medium/genre (print, web, furniture, etc.)
Open InDesign
- Create a 5 column vertical grid
Follow these directions EXACTLY - 8.5 x 11 inches
•. Pages: 4
•. Start#: 1
•. Columns: 5
•. Column gutter: 0
•. Margins: 0
- Create a 5 column vertical grid
Begin Layout
- Add your text
- Use the grid to define the placement of your elements.
- The left edge of your type MUST TOUCH the grid line to show alignment
- Create 4 different compositions
- Make screenshots of each composition
1: with the grid - Upload to Miro
- Comment on 2 different student compositions:
Does this grid show alignment
- Example