Assignment: homework due 9/14 week 3 class 5


Image and letterform

category: image  letter sketches


September 15 at  1 pm

To Do

1   Watch video: Video: negative space logo design

       Create padlet:
            add all your sketches to your padlet
             instructions for use


2   Sketch images

Sketch 8 very different versions of your image and letter
Be sure to subtract from your letter to create your sketch

1   With a thick marker on paper, combine your image with a letter that best describes it.
        For example:
                                      If you want your audience to view your box as a money saving devise, you might use the letter T for Treasure chest
                                      If you drew a bunny rabbit, would you use a B or a R? It depends on what you want your audience to read

2  Imagine that you will carve this icon from a bar of soap in the shape of your letter
      Subtract from your letter’s form to form your image

3   Use thick marker to work with shapes, not lines 
                      Focus on figure/ground and asymmetry

4   In some variations, call attention to the icon, in others, call attention to the letter
5   Try using both positive or negative versions of your letterform.
6.  With marker on paper, sketch 8 icons

3   Diagram images

  1.   Choose 2 of your best images

   2.  Diagram 2 sketches

          Roughly draw the 2 components
               1   draw the  subtracted letter
               2  draw the  image

subtractive logo







3.   Photograph

        • 8 sketches: Name post  ” image  letter 8 sketches _Lastname Firstname”
        • 2 diagrams: Name post  ” image  letter 2 diagrams _Lastname Firstname”

4.   Post both sketches and diagrams using the post category: ” image & letter sketches”

To add a post:

In the WordPress Dashboard, click on the tab Posts > Add New to create a new post

        • Name post “graphic drawing _Yourlastname Firstname”
        • Assign a category graphic drawing  &   student work in the menu on the right side.
        • Be sure to select ” image  letter sketches ” in categories

choose category

4   comment on 2 different student’s letter

Read and Comment On Online Discussion
              •   Use theses terms:
                               figure ground, continuity, subtractive
             •   Explain why



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