agenda: April 25, 27

Class Info: week 11

This agenda provides a detailed outline and gives a clear vision of the day’s class.


Text & image: Meaning

Goals: Define your concept
Objective: Improve your message
Theme: communicate through image


To-Do: before class

Post your homework

Prepare to describe your work


Let’s chat

What are you saying about your influencer?
What is your “concept”?
Add your answer to the chat


On Miro:

Add an image that best represents your designer next to your homework
What does it means to you.


Activity 1

Make sketches and take notes on how to improve your poster while watching
dynamic poster examples

Review posters: aa type over image poster
white space: contemporary posters
dynamic poster examples

Photograph your notes and post next to your poster homework


Breakout rooms

5 minutes each
discuss how you can improve your poster to better represent your influence,

Activity 2


Wrap up

When we took notes, did you to “observe” the slides differently?

In what way?


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