agenda: march 28 type over image

Class Info: week 8, march 28

This agenda provides a detailed outline and gives a clear vision of the day’s class.


Text & image: Grid

Goals: Organize to communicate

Objectives: Provide meaning

To-Do: before class

Post your homework

Prepare to describe your work


Let’s chat

How is the “tone” of your new composition different from your last composition?
Add your answer to the chat

Opener: low-stakes

On Miro:

Why did you choose your influencer.
Add your favorite image and state what it means to you.


How does your text become a poster?

What is a poster?

How is it different than a book?

Text & image: Meaning

Goals: Explore typographic meaning

Objectives:  Reinforce the meaning of your text

Poster: 11 x 17, black and white

Explain your influencer to your peers
Convey the excitement of contemporary design

Your poster must be purely typographic.
Information itself must constitute the “imagery” of the poster.

Maintain alignment

Make sure your hierarchy is off center

Hierarchy 101: Work with a basic chunk of information and explore numerous simple variations, using just one type family. The parts of a typographic hierarchy can be signaled with one or more cues: line break, type style, type size, rules, and so on.

remember: Don’t be a slave to the document:
For example, the name does not have to be at the top of the poster.

Activity 1

Workshop: Type and image

Slides: aa type over image poster

Demonstration In-class project: poster demonstration Word& image, InDesign

Open your indesign document.

Create 2 layers

Put your text on the top layer

Add an image to your bottom layer


Screenshot and upload to Miro

Do not upload if your text is centered,

Use alignment

Make sure your text is not centered
check that you do not have the same space above and below
check that you do not have the same space to the left and to the right

Mass your white space
make sure you have a large group of white space

Does your audience know what you are trying to communicate?

What new information does your change provide

Activity 2

slides: aaaa poster alignment.pdf


grids with columns.

Wrap up

What new information did today’s class provide?

How does it relate to what I already know?


Due Wednesday: 3/30

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