homework assignment due: 3/16

Due: 11:30, Wednesday, 3/14

Goal: Examine proportions.

Objective: Refine proportion using a grid structure.

Category: proportion

To Do

1  Watch

2. Proportion

3. Icon and Letterform



1. Watch

Review how we see

 see: https://www.linkedin.com/video/live/urn:li:ugcPost:6821094794379501568/

It’s not necessary to watch the entire clip, just watch from 3 minutes – 9.30 minutes.

If you want to review the proportion video that we watched in class:

watch from the beginning to 5:40

Review alignment


2. Proportion

Revise your 4 compositions

exagerate scale

group like items

align to create structure

create a focal point that is not centered

Post your original composition from today, next to your revised composition on Miro


3. Icon and letterform

Both letterform and icon will be graded

    1. Revise both studies
    2. Post your original composition from today, next to your revised composition on Miro

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