Agenda week 7; proportion

This agenda provides a detailed outline to give a clear vision of the day’s class.

Category: grid

    • Goals: Direct your audience’s attention
    • Objectives:  Understanding hierarchy

To-Do: before class

    • Post your homework
    • Prepare to describe your work in terms of hierarchy

Let’s chat

How many iterations did you make?
Add your answer to the chat

Design Process:iteration




Proportion systems and grids

Goal: Create images that communicate
Objective: Create forms that signify essential qualities


Review how we see


start at 3 minutes – 9.30 minutes


watch until 5:40

Review alignment

Proportion systems: design precedents of grid design

gridded posters

more grids

Guide to using Grids


Workshop: use proportion to position text

grids, proportion, and hierarchy


1  Use a grid

                •  golden ratio proportion (your 5-column grid) (image below)
                • rule of thirds proportion (your 3-column grid)

2  Add dummy type to emphasize the grid
 You should have a sense of the grid, even when it is not showing

3  Use hierarchy to create a composition based on each proportion system
•  use at least 3 levels of hierarchy
•  where do you place hierarchy to emphasize the grid?

Use alignment

Make sure your text is not centered
check that you do not have the same space above and below

Mass your white space
make sure you have a large group of white space

Review & critiques homework


Revise your sketch, upload it to Miro

Due Next Class

    • Read and Comment On Online Discussion
      Use these terms: figure-ground, continuity

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