homework assignment; proportion & grid

Due: 11:30, Monday, 3/14

Goal: Examine proportions.

Objective: Explore proportion using a grid structure.

Category: proportion

To Do

    1. Proportion
    2. Icon and Letterform


1. Proportion

Using the same 5 groupings of text

one quote
designer’s name
designer’s medium/genre (print, web, furniture, etc.)


1  Exaggerate hierarchy
• use only 3 levels of hierarchy
2. Position your top hierarchal element in an area that emphasizes proportion
• see example below
3  Group text into several units
4. Position the units so that they align with each other
5 Create 4 different compositions
6. Make a screenshot of each composition
• each composition with the grid
• each composition without the  grid
Post on Miro
• you should have a total of 8 (4 with the grid, 4 without the grid)

      1. Example







2. Icon and letterform

    1. revise both studies
      • make sure that you do not have “background”
      • make sure that you do not have any “anomolies
      • use a square format
    2. outline the squares with a 1 point rule
    3. make a positive and negative version of both
    4. add to Miro

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