homework assignment; alignment with scale

Due: 11:30, Monday, 3/9



Objective: Explore the diversity of alignment to a grid structure.
Goal: Examine proportions.

category: alignment

To Do

    1. align with scale
    2. post to Miro
    3. prepare to give your 2 minute presentation


1. Alignment with scale

Revise your alignment
4 pages

Same instructions as last week (see the bottom of this page to review)

        • use a typeface that your designer would choose
        • use scale (different sizes) to create hierarchy
        • think about figure-ground
          • Text
            one quote
            designer’s name
            designer’s medium/genre (print, web, furniture, etc.)
            general location


1  Use a 5 column grid
2.  Group elements using alignment
3.  Create at least 3 levels of hierarchy using scale



        • Do not center
        • Group items
        • Remember figure-ground!
          Don’t spread items all over the page, create a mass of white space
        • Do not use the same amount of white space at the top and bottom of your page

example of scale, hierarchy, and alignment

white space

different scales of circles





examples of alignment from class



This is aligned but it creates 2 separate groups


These are NOT aligned

2. Post on Miro

Only post when you have completed the following:

          • Use a typeface that your designer would choose
          • Use scale to create hierarchy
          • Text
            one quote
            designer’s name
            designer’s medium/genre (print, web, furniture, etc.)
            general location
          • 5 column grid
          • 2 levels of alignment
          • 3 levels of hierarchy using scale
          • Do not center
          • Group items by similarity
          • Don’t spread items all over the page, create a mass of white space
          • Do not use the same amount of white space at the top and bottom of your page

Comment on 2 students work


3. Prepare to present your influences



Last week’s assignment:

Use your Influence text to create 4 pages of text
Each page must have at least  2 left alignments

one quote
designer’s name
designer’s medium/genre (print, web, furniture, etc.)


Open InDesign

                1. Create a 5 column vertical grid
                  Follow these directions EXACTLY
                2. 8.5 x 11 inches
                  •. Pages: 4
                  •. Start#: 1
                  •. Columns: 5
                  •. Column gutter: 0
                  •. Margins: 0inDesign format 5 column

Begin Layout

                1. Add your text
                2. Use the grid to define the placement of your elements.
                3. The left edge of your type MUST TOUCH the grid line to show alignment
                4. Create 4 different compositions
                5. Make screenshots of each composition
                  1: with the grid
                6. Upload to Miro
                7. Comment on 2 different student compositions:
                  Does this grid show alignment
            1. Example

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