homework: due 2/23 icon

To Do

    1. Icon
    2. Letterform


1. Icon

1    Sketch

          • Square composition that carves your object from your letter
          • With a thick black marker, sketch 5″ square icons
          • Your black letter is the background that defines your white object.
          • Work with large shapes – do NOT use LINE

Leave space between sketches

If helpful:
• use the letterforms below for reference
• visit the noun project for object reference
• see additional resources below

Remember: Carve an icon out of your letterform
Make sure you are not turning the letter into an illustration

2    Refine

1. Choose your 2 best icons
2. Refine and digitize as 4″ squares

3   Upload

Photograph sketches and upload to Miro.

4  Comment

Comment in Miro only, on 2 different sketches
Is the icon is “carved” from the letter?






Download the font samples below to enlarge

bold letterforms

heavy type





















Slides of student work.

Use negative space in logo design; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzvJWWLTuEM

For reference, look at icons in The Noun Project for ideas https://store.thenounproject.com

Icon reference: https://www.pinterest.com/sharp/icon-inspiration/?lp=true

Symbol reference: https://www.designspiration.net/search/saves/page/1/?q=icon%20symbol


2. Letterform

        1. Finalize you letterform as a 5 ” square
        2. Create an exact negative version
        3. Outline both with a 1 pt rule
        4. Post to Miro

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