Agenda: week 3; introduce icon

This agenda provides a detailed outline to give a clear vision of the day’s class.

    • Goals: Introduction to communicating through form
      Review Gestalt Principles



Topic: Graphic images

Goals: Communicate through form

Objectives: Visual representation


To-Do Before Class

    • Post your homework
    • Post 2 sets of comments
    • Prepare to describe your work in terms of figure/ground perception


Graphic images


Communicate visually


Let’s chat

What are the most important criteria in a figure-ground composition?

Add your answer to the chat


Critique letterforms

Revise, upload and critique



    • Choose your object
    • Combine one icon with a letterform.
    • Continue to focus on figure/ground, and balance in your studies.
    • Create different combinations by combining images with cropped letterforms.
      • In some variations, call attention to the icon.
        In others, allow the letter to become the dominant form.


Start to document your images on 8.5 x 11 paper

1. Investigate method of documentation that reveals the most interesting visual qualities in your object, qualities you may have previously overlooked and are not evident at first glance.

This will differ depending on your object but consider: xeroxing (to highlight shape and contour), scanning (to reveal very precise detail through enlargement), making a rubbing (if your object has interesting texture), photographing (if your object is large and not collectible).

Each of these processes can be further subdivided. For example:
Scan or xerox several sides or angles, photograph from different angles (e.g. frontal view, angle, profile view, top view, etc.) and under different lighting conditions (artificial vs. natural light, day vs. night).

Draw your own, or work with an existing icon or symbol.

2. We will combine one icon with each letterforms. Continue to focus on figure/ground, and balance in your studies.

Create different combinations by combining images with cropped letterforms. In some variations, call attention to the icon. In others, allow the letter to becoming the dominant form.


Use negative space in logo design;

For reference, look at icons in The Noun Project for ideas

Creating images in Illustrator: Adobe shape builder: (2 mins)

Icon reference:

Symbol reference:

Describing how “form” works

Graphic design takes ideas, concepts, text, and images and presents them in an engaging form. 

To do this, it imposes order and structure to facilitate and ease the communication process while optimizing the likelihood that the message will be received and understood by the audience.


We achieve this through the conscious manipulation of elements.

We can use Gestalt terms to explain our images ­

      • Our brain interprets whole forms in the visual recognition of global figures
      • Our primary senses report images as “wholes”
        The whole is different from the sum of its parts.

How do we see?  

Tom Wujec talks through three areas of the brain that help us understand words, images, feelings, connections.  Begin 1 minute in    4:20

      • Presentation


Lecture Recording:



Preparing for our next project


Due Next Class

Homework assignment


    • What did you learn about balancing figure and ground?
      Add it to the chat

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