Prof Frances Smith | COMD2300-D036 | Fall 2023

Category: Course Activities (Page 9 of 12)

Project #1

Record Cover Layout Design

Project #1 Presentations are Next Week!

Any project submitted after Tuesday 9/19 will automatically drop a grade level. Submit work via Dropbox link or bring a USB. Grading rubric is also included in the Dropbox for context on what you will be evaluated on. Files must be saved using the format:

ā€œFirstLast_Project1ā€.pdf or .key or .pptĀ 


Ask: Design a record cover for your favorite musician’s song (an EP). This includes a front, left inside, right inside, spine, back cover and optional center label.Ā 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Creative Brief
  2. Mood boards
  3. Thumbnails/Sketches
  4. Layout Design & Composition
  5. Comps


  1. Select a song from a musical artist that you follow. Use this song for inspiration to design a record cover EP (single of the song).
  2. The record cover design must include Front/Back Cover, Inside Left, Inside Right, Vinyl and an optional Center Label.

Due Date(s)

  • Tuesday 09/19/2023


Deliverables & Inspiration

Dropbox Link Live

Hi class!

Please check your student emails for a link to the shared Dropbox for this class. We will use this folder to share WIP of our projects before next week’s presentations.Ā

In the desktop version, simply click the blue button on the top left “Upload”. Please use this file naming structure when uploading your work:


Files can be .jpeg or .png. Ideally in 16X9 (1920×1080 px) format for optimal screen sharing.

If you have any questions, please reach out via email at: frances.smith97@citytech.cuny.eduĀ 

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