Prof Frances Smith | COMD2300-D036 | Fall 2023

Category: Course Activities (Page 6 of 12)

Class #13


  • Recap | Project #2 
  • Grading Rubric and Project Outline
  • Upload final project as .PDF on Blackboard by 10/20/2023

Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday 10/17/2023
  • Meeting Info: P-112
  • Topic: Project #2 Feedback
  • Activities: Feedback, Prototypes
  • Lab Due Date: 10/20/2023

To-Do Before Class

  • Take top 3 sketches to begin prototyping

Project #2 Outline


Assignment for Next Class 10/20:

  1. Come prepared to share your individual presentations

Link to Resources:

Mockups (Subway)

Mockups (VR)

Y2k Fonts 

Holiday Script Font

Astronaut License Free Images:

Class #12


  • Recap | The Product Hero
  • Case study: Fujifilm & Oculus Quest
  • Mood board and Sketch Feedback
  • Project #2 Reminder: Project due date has been pushed to Friday 10/20/2023

Class Info

  • Date: Friday 10/13/2023
  • Meeting Info: P-112
  • Topic: The Product Hero
  • Activities: Feedback, Prototypes
  • Lab Due Date: 10/17/2023

To-Do Before Class

  • Take top 3 sketches to begin prototyping

Case Study

  • Let’s take a look at the Fujifilm Instax case study- Click the image to watch the full video:

  • Click to watch the full video:
  • Before feedback, let’s walk through some key questions to help us identify if we are on track:

Assignment for Next Class 10/17:

  1. Begin converting your sketches to prototypes

  2. Select your 4th OOH ad

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