Prof Frances Smith | COMD2300-D036 | Fall 2023

Category: Course Activities (Page 3 of 12)

Class #25


  • Logo Designs (to stand out)
  • Feedback
  • Mockup (Beta) Illustrator Lab *updated to Custom Type tools on Illustrator


Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday 11/28/2023
  • Meeting Info: P-112
  • Assignment: 12/01/23

To-Do Before Class

  • Logo Sketches
  • Brand Name


  • Hey Studio in Barcelona: link here
  • Going through 100+ variations of a logo in a sketch will help you push through all of the obvious or ‘bad’ ideas
  • A great resource for mockups:
  • Check out this video for the Mockup Beta tool in Illustrator:

Class #24


  • Disruptor Branding
  • Feedback
  • Brand Strategy (SWOT)


Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday 11/21/2023
  • Meeting Info: P-112
  • Assignment: 11/28/23

To-Do Before Class

  • Bring your brands UVP
  • Working brand mission
  • Color Palette and Typography
  • SWOT Brand


  • Sometimes disruptor brands lean more into traditional cues of their category. In a way they are saying, our product is different enough that it can speak for itself.
  • You were all able to distinguish what made the traditional brand different from the disruptor:
  • Create your version of the board below using brands that fall into your projects category:

Class #23


  • Disruptor Brands
  • UVP’s & Brand Missions
  • Project #4


Class Info

  • Date: Friday 11/17/2023
  • Meeting Info: P-112
  • Assignment: 11/21/23

To-Do Before Class

  • Research and identify your brands UVP
  • Working brand mission and target audience
  • Project #4


We’re almost there, we have one project left before wrapping up the semester.

  • Give yourself a pat on the back. You’ve already learned so much of the fundamental aspects of an advertising campaign and design:
  • Here’s a quick video that explains how disruptor brands work:
  • Disruptor brands also disrupt traditional forms of marketing. Instead of a class TV ad they might opt for a digital first campaign.
  • Red Antler creates branding for disruptor brands. Take a look at how this branding compares to the more established brands within the category.
  • Similar to an ad campaign, identifying a UVP requires uncovering a human truth or unspoken tension.
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