Prof Frances Smith | COMD2300-D036 | Fall 2023

Category: Course Activities (Page 2 of 12)

Class #28


  • Project 4 Presentations
  • Optional Open Lab Next Tuesday 12/12

Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday 12/12/2023
  • Meeting Info: P-112

To-Do Before Class

  • Grab inspiration for your portfolio. What do you want your site to say about you? What kind of work do you see yourself doing in the future?
  • ReadyMag
  • Other inspiration:
  • We’ll use the class to workshop your top two projects!

Class #27


  • Preliminary Critique of Presentations
  • Final Delivery due via Blackboard (upload as 1920×1080 pdf)


Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday 12/05/2023
  • Meeting Info: P-112
  • Assignment: 12/08/23

To-Do Before Class

  • Key dates for the next two weeks:
  • Project #4 Due 12/08, Teacher Survey Open Until 12/14. Last class 12/15. 
  • Let’s take a look at a few examples following the above format:

Class #26


  • The Power of Landing Pages
  • Feedback
  • Lab: Building a Landing Page Using a Mockup + Headline


Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday 12/01/2023
  • Meeting Info: P-112
  • Assignment: 12/04/23

To-Do Before Class

  • Prepare for Preliminary Critique
  • Project #4 Due 12/8
  • After analyzing disruptor brand landing pages, here is a basic wireframe you should work from:
  • Let’s go through some examples
  • Most brands can be paired down to two main colors, let’s select two:
  • Check out this video that outlines the drop shadow effect in detail:
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