• Course introduction: Overview of syllabus and class expectations. Design process and The Second Brain.
  • Introduce Project #1
  • Visual Style Exercise

Class Info

  • Date: Friday 08/25/2023

  • Meeting Info: P-112 11:30-2:00PM EST
  • Topic: Class expectations & introduce Project #1
  • Activities: the design process, visual identity. 
  • Due Dates: 09/19/2023

To-Do Before Class

  • Check your City Tech email regarding your membership to this course OpenLab site.
  • You should be members prior to class start.
    If not search for this course in OpenLab COMD2300 and THIS COURSE Specific Section Number<< D036>>



  • Grading/Feedback and Attendance
  • Class Ethos
  • The Design Process (Imagine, Sketch, Prototype, Deliver)


How to Find Your Visual Style

Assignment for Next Class

  1. Select an artist/song for Project #1
  2. Start to collect, sketch visual inspiration
  3. Start thinking about 2nd Brain tools