Prof Frances Smith | COMD2300-D036 | Fall 2023

Category: Course Activities (Page 10 of 12)

Class #5


  • From Sketch to Prototype
  • Share & Feedback
  • Setting Up Your Photoshop Workspace

Class Info

  • Date: Friday 09/08/2023

  • Meeting Info: P-112 11:30-2:00PM EST
  • Topic: From Sketch to Prototype
  • Activities: Talk us through your final sketches for Project #1. Feedback and bringing your designs into Photoshop.
  • Due Dates: 09/12/2023

To-Do Before Class

  • Begin digitizing sketches to Photoshop #1


  • From Sketch to Prototype
    Prototypes are a midpoint between a static sketch and a fully functional design.

  • Role of Prototyping: Prototyping helps us to test and refine the design, receive more accurate feedback, and save time.

  • Lo-Fi and Hi-Fi Prototypes:
    Low-fidelity prototypes are often hand-drawn or digital sketches. Serves as a visual representation to get the design’s basic structure. High-fidelity prototypes are detailed, interactive, and close to the final product. In UX prototyping, this may include interactive components or animations.


  • Taking final sketches to Photoshop: organize your digital workspace.

Assignment for Next Class

  1. Continue digitizing sketch for your record prototype.

    Leverage layers and/or artboards to create multiple versions of the design as needed.

    Upload designs to Dropbox or bring a drive to connect to share.

    Be prepared for sharing + feedback for next class.


Class #4


  • Refining Your Sketches 
  • Share & Feedback
  • Refine Sketches – Select Top 3 for Next Class

Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday 09/05/2023

  • Meeting Info: P-112 11:30-2:00PM EST
  • Topic: Refining Your Sketches
  • Activities: Talk us through your sketches and answer the following: Share your top 3 thumbnails, any offline inspiration? Do you feel like you’ve explored every angle? Any setbacks? Which one most excites you, why?
  • Due Dates: 09/08/2023

To-Do Before Class

  • Create 9+ sketches for your record cover
  • Start thinking about the user journey (how someone might interact with the record). 


  • Refining Your Sketches
    We talked about mood boards, now let’s dive into thumbnails. In the industry thumbnails are often referred to as “roughs, comps, scamps, tissues, or sketches”. 
  • Conceptual Design Exercise Ad Breakdowns: Google Home (Superbowl 2017), Apple iPod,
    Amazon Logo

  • From Good to Great:
    The role of refining your sketches serves a few purposes in the creative process (and when working on a creative team, client or with production vendors)


  • Learn how to talk us through the story of your design process: go into the process of how you arrived at the sketch, what were some outside influences, and what other territories you explored before landing on your top 3 choices.?

Assignment for Next Class

  1. Bring your top 3 sketches (close to the final anticipated design for your record cover)

  2. Begin to incorporate the sketch as a whole: back cover, left inside, right inside, vinyl (optional center label)


Class #3


  • Creative Brief and Mood Board Presentations & Feedback
  • Thumbnails in the ‘Sketch’ phase
  • Creative Techniques for Focus

Class Info

  • Date: Friday 09/01/2023

  • Meeting Info: P-112 11:30-2:00PM EST
  • Topic: Thumbnails
  • Activities: Review Creative Briefs and Mood boards; start to sketch thumbnails based on mood board
  • Due Dates: 09/05/2023

To-Do Before Class

  • Finalize your Get/To/By brief for Project #1
  • Create a mood board based on your Get/To/By


  • Conceptual Design Exercise
  • Visualizing an Idea
    We talked about mood boards, now let’s dive into thumbnails. In the industry thumbnails are often referred to as “roughs, comps, scamps, tissues, or sketches”. 

  • From Good to Great:
    Taking an idea from good to great requires exploring all angles of your initial ideas. Thumbnails is a great way to explore an idea visually. Remember, we’re still in the discovery phase of an idea. A sketch or thumbnail is meant to be an open conversation (typically with a client, but in this case with yourself and the idea: have I explored every angle of this idea? has this idea been done before? what’s a new way to visually represent this idea?)

  • Focus Techniques:
    The average attention span we face is 65 seconds. As creatives, focus and time can be one of our biggest assets.  One of the popular focus methods creatives use is the Pomodoro Technique, Body Doubling, “Being Bored”. 
  • Lab


  • Visualizing an Idea:  the sketch phase, the importance of mood boards and thumbnails
  • From Good to Great: taking a mediocre idea to the next level through sketches
  • Create 9 thumbnails based off of your creative brief


Assignment for Next Class

  1. Create 9 thumbnails based on your creative brief.
  2. Find 1-3 pieces of ‘offline’ inspiration you can use for your sketches
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