• Graphic Design vs Advertising Design
  • The Advertising Campaign
  • Creative Brief (2.0)
  • Project #2

Class Info

  • Date: Friday 09/22/2023

  • Meeting Info: P-112 11:30-2:00PM EST
  • Topic: What is an advertising campaign?
  • Activities: A brief history of advertising, breaking down the process, case study for Cannes Grab Prix winner British Airways
  • Lab Due Date: 09/26/2023

To-Do Before Class

  • Complete presentations for Project #1


  • Graphic Design & Advertising Design
    Both advertising and graphic design aim to communicate a message effectively and persuasively. One decides its visual representation and delivery. One crafts the strategy and the message; Neither can exist without the other. The most compelling advertisements are those where strategy and design intertwine seamlessly.

  • The iceberg illustrates how the only thing the consumer gets to see is the execution. The bigger thinking lies below the surface (from  The Advertising Concept Book by Pete Barry
  • What makes an advertising campaign? 
  • Let’s look into a Grand Prix-winning advertising campaign (click here for casestudy)
  • The Creative Brief: here is a model that most agencies follow when developing a creative brief. The format in which it is presented does not always clearly state the “Get/Who/To/By” but works in a similar framework.
  • Let’s break down the British Airways campaign using this model:
  • Click Here to view Project #2 Details


  • Complete the Get/Who/To/By framework for Project #2: we are going to team up in groups of 2-3. We are going to work on creating the brief in teams, developing insights, and research.

Assignment for Next Class

  1. Come prepared with your team and brand choice. Talk through initial thoughts around your Get/Who/To/By