• Refining Your Sketches 
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  • Refine Sketches – Select Top 3 for Next Class

Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday 09/05/2023

  • Meeting Info: P-112 11:30-2:00PM EST
  • Topic: Refining Your Sketches
  • Activities: Talk us through your sketches and answer the following: Share your top 3 thumbnails, any offline inspiration? Do you feel like you’ve explored every angle? Any setbacks? Which one most excites you, why?
  • Due Dates: 09/08/2023

To-Do Before Class

  • Create 9+ sketches for your record cover
  • Start thinking about the user journey (how someone might interact with the record). 


  • Refining Your Sketches
    We talked about mood boards, now let’s dive into thumbnails. In the industry thumbnails are often referred to as “roughs, comps, scamps, tissues, or sketches”. 
  • Conceptual Design Exercise Ad Breakdowns: Google Home (Superbowl 2017), Apple iPod,
    Amazon Logo

  • From Good to Great:
    The role of refining your sketches serves a few purposes in the creative process (and when working on a creative team, client or with production vendors)


  • Learn how to talk us through the story of your design process: go into the process of how you arrived at the sketch, what were some outside influences, and what other territories you explored before landing on your top 3 choices.?

Assignment for Next Class

  1. Bring your top 3 sketches (close to the final anticipated design for your record cover)

  2. Begin to incorporate the sketch as a whole: back cover, left inside, right inside, vinyl (optional center label)
