• Recap | Copywriting Elements in Advertising: Headlines, Taglines, Call to Actions
  • Case study: Casper
  • Insight Feedback

Class Info

  • Date: Tuesday 10/03/2023
  • Meeting Info: P-112
  • Topic: Recap Copywriting in Advertising & Insights Feedback
  • Activities: Individually write 12 Headlines/Taglines for Project #2
  • Lab Due Date: 10/07/2023

To-Do Before Class

  • Finalize Insight, begin writing Headlines and Taglines for Project #2


  • Recap: Copywriting in Advertising

  • Let’s breakdown this Casper campaign:
  • The tension Casper was breaking for the market was disruptive of the mattress industry: from the consumer experience shopping for a mattress to the universal benefit of a mattress you can try for 90 days. The creative team created a campaign that spoke exactly to this:
  • Here’s a link to the agency that created this campaign: Red Antler

  • Assignment for Next Class 10/06:

  1. Select top 3 headlines and top 3 taglines to work with

  2. Begin working on thumbnails