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Category: Unit 3 (Page 4 of 17)

Unit 3 Final

It took me a very long time to come up with my final project because first of all it was a song and I do not have a good voice. I couldn’t find anyone who would sing for me so I had to do it myself. (I literally murdered the track, I spoilt it so bad) I didn’t have a choice rather than to sing it myself so I took some time finding the confidence to do so. I had a good laugh at my final product and that was the best I could do and I really hope you all look at the content not the tune because it sounds like someone is dying. In my previous research, I had discovered that meditation had the best impact on mental health and I try to instruct people how to meditate in this song. The lyrics go, :

Song on meditation.


Maybe we could stand up, maybe we could sit

Maybe we could sleep or maybe we could eat

It doesn’t really matter because the world is getting cold

Now were fighting over things like toilet paper


Where did we lose ourselves now, where did we make mistakes?

It’s time to turn the ego down and listen with our hearts

We all have those moments where we feel like giving up

But the world still has more happiness all you have to do is see


Let the voices in your head say shit, because you won’t be listening no more

Well close our eyes and ears and open our hearts

Let’s fix this world by fixing ourselves


Let’s start by sitting straight,

Keep ourselves in the present

Thinking about the past brings

memories that don’t exist anymore


thinking of the future

makes restless

there’s no use thinking harder

let’s just be in the present.


Because meditation is all about being aware of your present rather than thinking about the past which brings memories that are not real at present, we are just re-making a situation in our head, and the future is a construction of thoughts that aren’t real too. all thats real is the present and we have to see that.

I apologize for my voice but I hope this helps people to some decree.



Plan for Unit 3 due 11/7

From what I had learned in Unit 2 what I want to teach my intended audience is how schools aren’t necessarily evil. They are just misguided. How the education system couldn’t catch up to the modern era of our current generation. For this Unit, I would want my intended audience to be High schoolers and First-year college students. I believe that they have the most knowledge of how the education system may seem to them and how repetitive it may be impacting their livelihood. Every student at some point believed that school felt as though as it was pointless and wouldn’t get someone anywhere in life. Like how some students would want to work full time but can’t because of school hours. Students shouldn’t feel such negative pressure when approaching their school and it was always depicted in American history that school is an exciting place to learn and explore new things. However, I don’t intend to shed any negative light upon schools necessarily. Schools have of course helped us in many ways we didn’t think possible. Teaching us how to read and write is essential in the modern world for example. Basic math especially and we can figure out how to count our money when earned in jobs. The Education System works in the early stages of a student’s life perfectly I believe. However, as the student becomes much older and matures their motives and drives can drastically change as new experiences would be wanted. For this, I intend to use a poem to fully grasp the education system’s resourcefulness and its aged fixed mindest in the modern era. One of the things I might be worried about is if the poem might fly over someone’s head and doesn’t get the message. I would want everyone to understand to struggles and the rights and wrongs of the Education System.

Writing a New Genre due 11/4

At the end of Unit 2, I stated that my research question should notify the Board of Education as my question was, “Do schools kill curiosity?” I believe that I might need to narrow it down a bit as going straight to the Board of Ed might be too forward and extreme. So I believe that students such as myself should take a view in my perspective as to how schools may kill student’s curiosity. High schoolers and First-year college students would be my main intended audience as I believe that they have the most insight into the school’s education system. From what I believe the genre’s that best reaches my intended audience would be a short video or a catchy poem. However, I’m leaning towards a poem as reading allows someone to really gain the full grasp of my perspective. To think about what I think. A poem would be effective as well as it can stick into someone’s mind if it rhymes making it an enjoyable experience to read. Poems are also meant for all audiences, not just High schoolers and First-year college students. It can speak for all ages as everyone can enjoy a good and relatable poem that can inflict them giving them a memory of some sort. It can date back to their childhood years of when they struggled in school or just how a school can be similar to work. I believe that people would truly think about how the education system may change in the next 20 years or so with a simplistic poem.

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