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Author: Lashirawright (Page 2 of 3)

“education narrative.”

An educational narrative to me is someone who understands their perceptions of the world. They are intelligent authors who knows how to use their experiences within the context serve as cognitive structures and communication. They are capable of using genre. So basically a educational narrative is also a skilled writer. To become a skilled writer you need to develop genre awareness. To me the ingredients to make an educational narrative is just to be honest and straightforward. When you want to make a point you have to make sure people understand you on whatever you are talking about. Becoming a better writer you have to have the be aware of certain text and how they are similar in their structure and organization. As to become a better writer you have to know how content, vocabulary and tone is dealt with in the passage or writing. Good writers are always cautious of their audience and purpose. But one thing people fail to realize is that there is no exact prescribe way of writing a text because no author or writer is the same. A place to get started on my own education narrative is find out what sentence starter your audience or partner would be most interested in reading my story. I can start off with a set of questions. I can describe the setting of my story where my readers can visualize an image in their head. I can start off with an action or dialogue. I can even give any kind of background information that will interest my audience. Some concerns about writing an education narrative of my  own is what would people be most interested in reading? , Would people like to see a movie after my reading? Only reason why I ask that is because sometimes reading a book makes you wonder if there is a movie to it after you are done reading. I would be concerned about my purpose and audience are because those are the main two major issues to be a lot of people tend to have when it comes to writing.

Jamila Lyiscott “3 ways to speak English”

My experience has been more relatable towards Jamila Lyiscott experience more than Amy Tan experience. My experience been similar to Lyiscott because she was saying I can speak three different ways in English. I speak differently when it comes to a certain group of individuals. For example when she’s with her friends she says what’s up instead of hello because she doesn’t have to be professional when it comes to being around her friends. But in school or at  any kind of interview she would use hello or good morning because she had to be professional when it comes down to that. The third language she said she uses is around her family and instead of hello, how are you? She would say “Wah Gwan”. Lyiscott is an articulate which means she has the ability to speak fluently and coherently when she needs to. She says to never judge someone by the way they speak or assume they are ghetto just because they speak a certain way around others. Jamila does agree that our English language has rules but it all depends on how you are using it, place and times matters. Don’t ever think just because someone talks a certain way around other that they are too ignorant to teach. Jamila states in her speech that she speaks broken English because her history ripped it away from her. As in the story “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan she says “Whereas, for me at least, the answers on English test were always a judgment call, a matter of opinion and personal experience.” I agree with this quote because a lot of people would look at the way you speak and judge the kind of person you are because your not speaking standard English but you are using broken or limited English. Amy has spent most of her time in America to realize that. She was born in China but majority of her life was in America so she know knows the difference between the languages of English. The English language is a judgment call because broken English can depict the character’s intelligence or lack of education. But I feel like it doesn’t mean they are not intelligent. I believe people just talk differently when it comes to certain people, place and time.

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