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“Chapter 3: As He Himself Puts It – The Art Of Quoting”


Lashira Wright

English 1101

Lisa Cole 

14 October 2020


                    Graff & Birkenstein; “Chapter 3: As He Himself Puts It – The Arts of Quoting”


        The point of Graff & Birkenstein writing “The Arts Of Quoting” is because a lot of students tend to sometimes overanalyze a quote or they take a quote and analyze the quote too little. Instead of being that hit and run quoter. Sometimes students will write an essay and will add a quote but won’t present the quote in a way where their relevance and meaning is clear to their readers. When you write a quote you have to make sure the quote restates your question or states your answer, also you need evidence explaining what the quote means and state who is speaking. Students also need to make sure why that quotation they picked is important and provide information readers need to know. In the Graff & Birkenstein chapter 3 their assertion is that “Quoting someone else’s  words gives a tremendous amount of credibility to your summary and helps you ensure that it is fair and accurate” This quote means one of the best ways to summarize what someone is saying is to quote their exact words. The speakers of this quote are Graff & Birkenstein. This quotation is important for readers to take in because now when they use a quote they will make sure they include a quote sandwich meaning when they take a quote, have a quote that restates the question or state your answer for like an argumentative essay. Have the evidence of the quote, explaining what the quote means or what the message of the quote is telling us and then make sure why the quotation is important. Make sure when you are quoting that it’s always formatting the sandwich quote steps.


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