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Author: Isaac G. (Page 2 of 6)

Source Entry #4 and Conclusion due 10/22

Finch, E. (2015). Life Is Tough. family friend poems

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/life-is-tough

“Life is tough–that’s what they say,
But they don’t know what it’s like every day
To wake up in the morning and go to school,
Just so people can test you and prove you’re a fool.

The teacher says you obviously didn’t try,
But they don’t know you go to your room and cry.
You did put in the effort, you did your part;
They just don’t understand you’re not that smart.

Then comes the pressure from your mum and dad
Who are so clearly disappointed that your grades are bad?
You are punished and picked on for the rest of the year,
Because you finally gave up on the future career

That was once so close but is now so distant.
However, your teachers and parents are still insistent.
It’s hard enough getting up and going to class
Without the pressure and expectation that you have to pass.

The worst part, however, is not that you’re a disappointment.
It’s the permanent, never-ending embarrassment
Of always failing and coming last,
Of never being good enough, your confidence dropping fast.

Everyone else seems to be doing just fine.
Their parents are all proud, unlike mine.
Honestly, I can’t think of a worse place than this,
When in reality it’s made out to be somewhere we should miss.

I won’t miss it; I’ll be glad to leave.
Five years wasted because failure is all I ever received.
I know it’s my fault and that I’m the one to blame.
I gave up so early on because I was ashamed.

To my family, I’m a failure, and I’m a failure to myself.
Everyone’s high expectations only damaged my mental health.
If I ever have kids I will always try
To make sure the fear of failure is not the reason they ever cry.

People need to understand school’s no longer fun or good,
‘Cause some of us don’t fit in, although we wish we could.”

What the author of this poem is trying to get across to us readers is how schools can feel like a mental prison. Finch explains in this poem the main pressures and stress schools like to set upon students on a daily basis when furthering their education. The poem also embraces the embarrassments and pain students come to when failing their grades. It shows punishment not only within their teachers and parents but within themselves as well. Finch captures the thought of personal failure in school and how it can negatively impact our mental health about school. Finch states, “The worst part, however, is not that you’re a disappointment. It’s the permanent, never-ending embarrassment, Of always failing and coming last, Of never being good enough, your confidence dropping fast.” This would mean that you are not viewed as a disappointment but rather as someone who doesn’t try hard enough. However, as this poem implies, you are trying but struggling in the end anyway making you lose motivation to do better and ending up worse than you already are. This poem is also an indication of a deep and personal message that students from across the world can relate to. The author shows disagreement with how the school system functions and how it can feel depressing at times. Like the author stated that some of us don’t fit in. Although school is necessary for basic knowledge such as the alphabet and/or numbers schools have eventually turned to a position where students question their understanding. So why are students questioning themselves if what they are doing is right in school? I understand the author’s perspective as schools can have much-unneeded stress. I think the author is not so credible due to the fact that this is their opinion about the school. Although many of us students can relate and understand this perspective of school is still is what it is, an opinion in a poetic form. I believe the author chose this genre to make the readers feel more engaged. Reading a poem in the mind helps us keep it in memorization. It can be a catchy poem or a symbolic poem. Whatever the case may be poems are a good way to keep us readers entertained giving us a more vivid image. 


What I had found in my research was very intriguing to me as it gave me a new perspective about schools and their capabilities. It was a fun and enjoyable experience to see the educations difficulties and their possibilities and how it impacts us. What surprised me how the school system can be considered, “Outdated” in modern society dating back when Prussia existed. It made me see how mentally exhausting it can be for others and everyone must endure it in order to continue their livelihood. My understanding of the research question had immensely deepened as a school can be stressful for students around the world. Although school is important for some reasons there always comes a limit when a student’s curiosity becomes neglected. I’m glad I researched this as it helped me envision any pains and sufferings any other students may encounter. Gathering all of this research I believe the Board of Education should be aware of this era of modern education and how it mentally impacts current students. It is a pressure that has been placed upon us for many years as we discover new things every decade and so. New discoveries could mean new futures and it can be unpredictable. Although schools cannot help us predict what’s to come in our future it is still important nonetheless as it can also teach us the meaning of adulthood and responsibilities. While schools may have its modern problems it isn’t always a negative. Without our current education, we wouldn’t be able to do the things we are doing as of right now. However, changing the education system would prove rather difficult to adapt to our modern society as things aren’t so black and white. There is almost too much to take into consideration to make the education system truly “fair” for all. Your ethnicity, race, environment and etc shall always be apart from you and can be expressed to further your education in a “perfect education system”. Until then we can express how we currently feel about our education and would be a good topic in school-related subjects. Although we may not know if it will ever change it’s good to know that we can share these ideas with one another in areas besides school.

Source Entry #2 and #3 (video)

Bennett, W. Paul. “The Trouble with Schooling: Why Do Schools Kill Curiosity?”

Word Press, 18 August 2012. https://educhatter.wordpress.com/2012/08/18/the-trouble-with-schooling-why-do-schools-kill-curiosity/


     The author Paul W. Bennet in this news article tells us readers a story from a book he would like all of us to know. Although he is not the author of this book he briefly explains how the current education system may be “flawed” or “outdated” with today’s standards. The book he is stating in his news article is, “The Curiosity of School” by Zander Sherman”. It talks about how Zander Sherman was raised in the rural fringes of a town in Muskoka, north of Toronto. Home-schooled he had intellectual independence. However it was soon neglected by his schools education system as he was not able to do any of his radical thinking boring him to death. To show his distaste in the educational system  he began writing and distributing his own pamphlets, The Anarchist, catching the attention of his principal getting him in trouble. Sherman in his book then describes how the educational system dates back to Prussia in the early 19th century. Under Prussian rule established a curriculum focused on social control. As insane as this may sound I would have to agree with the author as it feels some schools often dictate what we can learn and what we can’t. Sherman then states, “Behind it all, he sees an institutional commitment severely limiting students’ ability to find and pursue their own interests.” This quote means that to be in school grounds you are committing yourself to follow whatever rules may apply to “further” your education. It hinders students full potential and capability to truly immerse themselves in schools academically. The phrase, “school is a place to learn” is an understatement in some occasions as it is mostly a place to follow orders under a teachers or principle’s curriculum. 

The author’s writing style is that of a summary shortening the entire book, “The Curiosity of School”. Although it is simplistic it still makes the point across sharing his thoughts about the book. The author may not be credible as this is a depiction of what he sees as a well written brief summary while they’ll may be others with different perspectives. I believe the author chose this genre to let many others acknowledge the significance of this book and how it has broadened the landscape of our educational system. I believe it was a good choice for the audience as it kept them well informed of Sherman’s idea of the topic. 

Sir Ken Robinson, “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” TEDTalks

     In the youtube video presented by TEDTalks Robinson shares his thoughts and ideas about the question if all public schools truly kills creativity in students. During the video Robinson gives insight to the audience members how different education was back then compared to it now. He questions that since new discoveries and idea’s happen almost everyday how can we, “Teachers” help teach students for what’s to come in an unpredictable future. Time from the 90’s until today has significantly changed. All of society has changed. Including our clothing, our cellular devices, our taste in music etc. Robinson states that we wouldnt know what’s yet to come because we are so vast as humans. During his talk he explains how there was this girl who could not stand still. In his words, “The school in the 30’s wrote to her parents and said we think Julian has a learning disorder, she couldn’t concentrate. She was fidgeting. I think now they say she has ADHD. Wouldn’t you? But this was the 1930’s and ADHD hadn’t been invented. It wasn’t an available condition. Fast forward; “She said she was on her feet moving to the music and we watched for 4 minutes and turned to her mother and said Mrs Lynn Julian isn’t sick, she’s a dancer. She had a wonderful career at the ballot. She’s a multi millionaire. Somebody else might have put her on medication and tell her to calm down.” This inspirational line from Robinson explains how such creativity could have potentially been snuffed out due to such high demand from the education system. Not following such rules would be too, “different” for the educational system to handle almost having a fixed mindset. Robinson also states that what the educational system wants you to think that getting a degree would mean that you can have a job and that you can be successful. I agree that having a degree doesn’t always mean guaranteed success. There are many other celebrities that live a life of luxury without a single degree doing what they love best. 

Robinson gives a style where it is believable to can be seen today. I believe he is credible due to the amount of examples he has given during his presentation and how it can possibly impact our future career’s. Everyday is different with new beginnings and endings. In 30 years from now it would be significantly different from what it is today. I believe it was also a good choice for the audience to help them grasp the idea of how the education system may be outdated. 

Source Entry #1

Heick, Terry. “How To Kill Learner Curiosity In 12 Easy Steps”.  teachthought, February 2020.

How To Kill Learner Curiosity In 12 Easy Steps


  In this article author Terry Heick had allowed us to see in a simplified fashion ways to kill a person’s curiosity. Not curious of the question itself but only striving for the answer negating those extra thoughts. He breaks the steps down in simple terms to let us readers easily acknowledge the issues that happen in our current society. Especially in an age where the education system may come into question of it’s methods and if it still holds up to this day. The education system can be often described as black and white as Heick describes. It hinders our abilities to, “think outside the box” and think only in one path. Being told how to get to the answer rather than dwell on the question as to why it happens. Heick states, “Keep it formal, sterile, and academic. Leave the children’s lives, their family traditions, cultural legacy, and individual gifts out of it”. When I read this I almost immediately rejected this philosophy when working in an academic space such as school. Thinking in one perspective in school and not using our own experiences to combine the academic experience to form new ways to question and answer is extremely limiting. When we were children our minds ran rampant full of life and curiosity wanting news ways to answer. Going to school almost feels like a mental prison at times as it takes your curious intuition as a child and throws it away. Steps one, three, four, seven, and nine I believe are the most impactful steps as described by the author. Step one is about dictating the learning domain. This would mean when the teacher teaches and how he/she teaches. When to give out tests and how to grade their students. These rules would force students to follow a straight forward curriculum. Following directions and studying the one topic in order for you to pass. Step three is thinking black and white. Getting to an answer in school is usually definitive and there is no other way around it. This can easily deprive students of their interests of the subject. Step four would be focusing on answers instead of questions leading to it. There is no “if” “ands” or “buts”. When you’re wrong you’re wrong without question. It almost seems threatening as your grade is on the line if you don’t follow orders. Step seven would be to forget creativity. Which overall is what schools do negates what you want to learn. Step nine is what I had mentioned before about not being able to use your past experience intuition to learn in a more explorative way to make school more engaging. 

The author’s writing style is very simple and straight to the point in an article. It makes it credible as it gives some factual information as how our education system can feel so mentally limited. I believe the author chose this genre was to show any curious reader a quick glance to give you a thought and perspective of our education system.


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