A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Author: Ddiggs

Time Capsule

Hey me you’re probably never even going to read this again but I have to say you definitely messed up. You better keep striving for your dreams you have support behind you so you’re luckier than a lot of other people. Just keep up the good work. I hope if you ever do come back and read this then by that time you will already have your dream job and that you’re doing what you love to do. Good luck future me.


Past You

I’m tired of doing online learning. Over the past few months I have been trying to adjust and it’s been hard especially with this being my first year of college so I barely know how to navigate a lot of these websites. Today really made it worse though due to the fact that I was not able to join a call for two of my classes and I’m still not in the class for another. This remote learning is stressing me out more than it should and classes just started.