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Author: Asia S (Page 2 of 7)

Rough Draft of Artist Statement Week13(11/18)

My inspiration stemmed from the world’s current situation, all the information I have observed and gather over the past few months. Information that ranges from the situation in yemen, the global pandemic , hurricanes, climate change etc. I just wanted to know why, what is the purpose of all this anguish, what is our purpose of living. My research is for everyone , who needs a gentle reminder that there’s hope and love. I chose both terms to speak on , because I  was able to provide factual information, to educate my audience on both terms , while also providing the views of other writers. Throughout my research, I did encounter some sensitive sub-topics, that I left out of my writing, to avoid any personal triggers to my audience. I also wanted to use various genres, in which I extract my information from. While learning this during my research, it helps me understand what to include and what to exclude in my future writing based on my audience. The abundance of information is there for a reason, as the reader and writer , the power you have , to chose what goes in and what comes out , is extremely important.

With gaining a new way of thinking, it is the reason I chose to tell my piece in a way that I have never seen before. I decided to do a video , which consists of affirmations , a little background on my research , photos and videos of people , while also me being the narrator. Also , I decided including quotes from my research and asking my audience questions throughout the video, would give my video narrative video life. Choosing beautiful images , that captures the eye of the audience was also important, so that I was able to bring my vision to life. I also chose, this narrative video, because I have never done something like it before, so I wanted to challenge myself to see , if I could really execute my vision. Also, the style in which I was narrating , I spoke to my audience in a way , that would give them a feeling as if , I was infront of them speaking to them.

Post and DEJ(Kyle Stedman)

What i learned from reading Kyle Stedman’s article is  how to  use your sources properly , because it impacts your audience and how to refrain from making it difficult for them to read. Also , putting myself in the readers shoes.


“This judgment, of course, will often be unfair. These readers might completely ignore the merits of your insightful, stylistically beautiful, or revolutionarily important language—just as my anger at another driver makes me fail to admire his custom paint job. ..” What does Kyle stedman mean by judgement will be unfair? Is he referring to a writers target audience ? 
“readers and writers don’t always see eye to eye on the same text. In fact, some things I write about in this essay will only bother your pickiest readers (some teachers, some editors, some snobby friends), while many other readers might zoom past how you use sources without blinking.” I agree completely with Stedmans statement. I think we all experiencing being both , when you are the reader , you get to critique a writing and have to opportunity to disagree or agree. While being the writer, you are producing a body of work/research and hope your audience appreciates , loves and agrees with your work. 
“First, the author is actually voicing a point of view; she sounds knowledgeable, strong. Second, and more to the point of this chapter, the author includes a citation, showing that she knows that ethical citation standards ask authors to cite paraphrases and summaries—not just quotations.” It is actually interesting reading this quote, because he is so right. Writing so weird. A piece can start off so great and start getting ugly.
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